The Sun Is Poison?

Slathering on the white goo, I hated the feeling of it in my youth.

Instinctively I knew what my mom was forcing me to apply is a carcinogenic.

I could sense the poisonous properties while slathering it on.

It strikes me that throughout my entire life people have been convinced that the sun is poison.

If the sun is so bad :

•Firstly why is every attractive chick obsessed with tanning and the beach?

•Secondly why does as much sun as possible without passing the burn line feel so good?

•Thirdly amongst men have you noticed that the more tanned (racially specific) often are the higher testosterone individuals?

Vitamin D is steroidal. It ramps up hormone production.

I love my bike rides shirtless.
An elderly neighbor tells me with my red beard I shouldn’t expose myself so much to the sun, yet the best I have ever felt physically was the last time I was in California getting a bunch of sun, far more than I would’ve in New England being it was fall, via the beach daily, and being surrounded by attractive women (another topic in of itself).

So much on health is intuitive. As you mature the falsities are easily seen.

Do you trust what you’re told, or what you intuit?

As long as you’re not getting burned, I say get as much sunlight as possible.

You’ll be better for it.


News & Nihilism

Lots of information, while true, is better off not being consumed.

Whoever you are, there’s something you read, or something you watch, that does nothing but put you down.

You can go without taking it in.

No one has ever become happier from watching the news.

Has staying informed of current events ever made any real positive impact on your day to day?

As far as I’ve seen it’s only capable of making you walk around as a gloomy gus.

As a middle schooler I stayed informed by the news, as an adult I don’t bother.

I’ll see enough of what’s going on boots on the ground.

Even if the worst of the fears comes true…it’s not worth obsessing over prior to it happening.

And usually the worst case scenario isn’t what comes to fruition.

Instead of watching the news, and reading doom and gloom…

Live. Life.

Vices : Cheating Yourself – You Know & God Knows

Not watching porn is part of my persona.

I could front like I’m porn free, and behind closed doors furiously masturbate to another scene off of xvideos.

Tell myself “it’s not porn, it’s only a woman fingering herself”.

No one would know.

But I would.

I’d look at myself in the mirror, and see deadness in my eyes reflecting back.

I’d feel the compulsion to shave, as over the last few years I’ve internalized this belief :

“Men can grow beards, boys can’t. Men don’t watch porn, boys might. So if I’m going to choose the actions of a boy not a Man, I’m going to make myself look like a boy”.

Maybe a solo scene wouldn’t do that, “it’s not self cucking, you’re not watching someone else fuck a woman”, or maybe it would.

I’m not testing that.

Half measures are for pansies, the effeminate, and the weak.

I’d know.
So would God.

When I’ve watched porn, past roughly the age of 22, I never liked what I saw in the mirror.

So I don’t do that!

You’ve gotta be able to look yourself in the mirror.

Porn boiled down is a practice of self harm.

I knew better before ever turning it on. At 16 I was allowing half measures, at 19 or 20 that slipped to xvideos.

I thought at 25 I’d be done with it, but I still watched some after that birthday.

At 26, I haven’t watched in just over 8 months.

I’d been struggling lately, I say it’s due to a sense of loneliness.

Why lonely?
Because of not choosing the outgoing actions.

I imagine a whole lot of porn was watched during the lockdown.

And I didn’t watch a second.
I’m proud of that.

When the urge is worst, and I have my phone in hand, I’ll google the keywords, look at the search results, and after a moment close the browser.

“I’m not watching porn today.”

Once I’ve said that, I’m accountable til 0000 the next day.

I can’t go back on my word to myself.

Being porn free for life I’ll say that to myself every single day if I have to.

I’m not going back on that.

I’d know.
God would know.

It’s healthy to be outgoing socially.

It’s not healthy to be alone and inside looking at a screen in the dark.

No one with the sex life they desire watches porn.

If that means you have to work, so be it.

Work, to improve your lot, is a blessing.

You can be thankful for your struggle.

You don’t ever have to watch porn again.

Porn free, happy, outgoing…by choice.


Persistence & Tenacity

Eating Garbage = Feeling Like Garbage

I bought a cold 20oz soda, and a pack of corn dogs.

“I” was craving the corn dogs, and thought I’d enjoy a “dirty” meal while drinking a soda.

What I did was confirm what I already knew, what has been causing me to eat the cleanest I ever have lately ;

You eat garbage and you’ll feel like garbage.

It’s real simple.

Garbage in = you feel like garbage.
So you don’t put garbage in.

For a moment forget everything diet that’s gym related, think about nothing but health ;

You’d feel pretty good just eating your fill of good wholesome foods wouldn’t you?

As I type I’m eating stew, meat, bean, vegetables.

That’s not processed, a frankenfood, the product of labs, and genetic engineering.

It’s just natural bounty of the earth.
Some meat, and a few crops.

I don’t know the calories or the macros. As it’s wholesome those details don’t matter.

You eat garbage, and you feel like garbage.

You eat good nutritious food, and you feel good. Eating your fill, more or less, not force feeding or starving yourself (while occasionally fasting), your calorie level in the ballpark of maintenance.

A lot of people are unhappy as their dietary choices drive unhappiness.

This is very clear reading vibes, observing grocery carts, and the individuals themselves.

There’s a stereotype of the jovial rotund individual, but that’s not the boots on the ground norm.

Guy or girl, I can’t think of a single happy fat person that I know. And none of them eat well.

You’re not gonna feel emotionally happy or well physically eating taco bell, microwavable shit, and drinking sodas or on the flipside eating chicken feed 1000x a day.

When you minimize the garbage in, wellness comes along naturally.

Eating like shit is self harm.

Don’t Drop The Weights!

Lifting, something supposedly tough, is very coddled.

Too used to bumper plates, there are actually people out there who think you can’t weightlift/do olys without bumper plates!

I recall Bill Starr writing that at weightlifting meets you can tell who lifts on their own equipment as they’d place the bar down under control, not just dropping the bar.

Density training 50/20 (ala Bryce Lane) power cleans is full as hell with bumper plates, full drop, and no negative…

But, you’d be best served treating your olys in this manner :

•Every lift from the dead hang.
•Set lightly on floor to end the set.

Will your weights and/or space hold up to dropping?

Why even test that? Lift old school!

Never test it.

You’ll be far stronger for it.

Do you know how easy a power clean from the floor with jerk dropped from the top is when you’re used to a power clean from the dead hang, military press, negative to the shoulder, drop and catch at the hip, and lightly placing it down?

Train hard. Compete easy.

Don’t let your gym time be as soft as the rest of life.

Persistence & Tenacity

Low Calories Of The Right Nutrition

I’ve started doing raw egg shakes again.

4 of the last 5 days I’ve done it in some variation. Using chocolate milk as flavor instead of ice cream, and starting to go heavy on the heavy cream.

My calories aren’t very high.

That’s fine, as the nutrition is.

I’m coming to realize that you don’t need terribly high calories when you’re taking in plenty of nutrition.

With the right foods, massive calories just aren’t all that necessary.

Drinking a few raw eggs a day punches well above it’s caloric weight in anabolic effect.

Drinking eggs, milk, and heavy cream is the simplest and quickest way to get in calories in existence.

It also is all the nutrition you’d ever need, in drink form.

To bulk : eggs, milk, and cream, plus other food.

To cut : eggs alone, or eggs and cream, in addition nothing is less expensive than just eggs.

You’re looking at 10¢ an egg, less on sale.

Fat is filling, good luck pulling off 5000 calorie a day keto.

3 dozen eggs comes to about 2400 calories of straight up keto, plenty of fat and protein.

Everything I’ve ever seen on it leads me to believe that without exception everyone gets muscular on Vince Gironda’s 3 dozen eggs a day with meat diet.

I don’t think it’s being facetious when it’s compared to a smaller steroid cycle.

Just the anger alone from having to swallow that many snail like yokes will do it.

I’m undecided whether I’ll ramp up drinking eggs up to 36 a day.

Right now I’m doing 6 a day.
I can see myself going to 12, then to 18 and from there deciding where I’ll go from there.

Three “squares” of 6 egg shakes.
That’s probably not what the food pyramid intended. But it’s easy as hell to pull off.

With nutrition primarily being raw eggs, I can’t see the body doing anything other than holding onto every oz of muscle, on a low calorie cut.

18 eggs would be 1200 calories, 100g protein, with any physical training, and the right mindset it’d work.

Eggs, burpees, and machine bodybuilding.

Persistence & Tenacity

Always Cold Showers

A plains tribe would camp riverside whenever possible, so as to be able to twice a day, year round, be able to jump in upon waking, and before retiring.

Living riverside I would do the same, never showering again.

Most people only take hot showers, whereas if I’m at home I only use cold water, and if I’m at the gym I’ll sometimes do a hot/cold contrast shower, but mostly straight cold.

The other day I had it set on warm mistakenly as it was coming out cold I hadn’t noticed where it was set at.

It got what I’d call on the higher end of warm, and it took me maybe 60 seconds to realize “this is hot, it doesn’t feel good”, realize what I’d done, and turn it down.

During that short run of hot water I was struck by the thought “hot water showering is poison”.

Hot water doesn’t make me feel alive, while cold water does.

The hot water takes away vim and vigor, while cold water builds vitality.

This is one of many things easily seen to rob vitality from what is considered normal.

The inability so many have to deal with cold water is solely because they don’t spend a full ten seconds with the cold directly hitting their chest, upper back, or head/face to start.

It’s “too cold” for 10 seconds tops, then it becomes revitalizing.

You have the privilege to shower, but coddle yourself with warm/hot water, when the gold is using cold.

Persistence & Tenacity

Pictures Of The DoggCrapp / DC Method Stretches

Finding pictures of the doggcrapp method stretches can be difficult.

I’ve seen the sites hosting them come and go, online, offline over the years.

It’s nice to have the pictures.

I was going to blog about the quad stretch, and went looking for a photo.

The bookmark I had was now just a landing page of ads.

Fortunately, I know how to use the internet archive’s wayback machine:

There’s a link to dc method stretching pictures.

I’ve gotten good use from the biceps and quad stretches.

Bear Crawl Scene

Written a few days ago :

My father, friend, and I watched the movie on a men’s night at church when I was somewhere between 12 and 15 years old.

I’ve watched the scene three times, four at most.

It’s very emotional, it struck me then, and still does now.

I had shivers in my legs, and cried watching it just before typing.

I have to be honest, I quit high school football, I never completed a season, let alone went all out at it.

My mentality has changed since freshman year of high school.

I pray for meaningful struggle, and to rise to the occasion.

Doing 1500 Pushups On The 1500th Day Of Pushups

May 13, 2016 was the last day I missed doing my pushups.

1500 days from 5/13/16 is today, 6/21/20. In honor of the achievement I did over 1500 pushups today.

Log :

set of 50.

169 10 pump burpees in 3 hours
+ 1 rep after time.

I took lots of rest, and long breaks at the 50 and 100 rep marks. It ended up being a pushup workout more than a burpee workout. My stomach is bruised having hit on every rep.

set of 31 mantra reps + 1 “and for good measure” rep.

This set was mildly challenging.

Math :
= 1782 pushup reps today

Also a coincidence of the universe in my YouTube feed led me to posting this on Iron Wolf’s channel :

YouTube Comment : On Iron Wolf’s Channel

“@Iron Wolf
I’m throwing out a thank you. I’ve been doing burpees willingly (ie not forced by a coach) since your collaboration video with Burpees King and Moses Cuevas popped into my feed months back. Today 6/21 marked 1500 days in a row of pushups for me, no misses. To mark the occasion my workout was 150+ 10 pumps. Your channel definitely helped inspire that. It had been 5 years since I’d done a 1000+ pushup workout, at the time under 215, today’s reps were at a bodyweight of nearly 270. Keep it up man. Your channel is doing good work.”

What a coincidence I came across a 1500 pushups video hours after I’d just done it.

As I get ready to sleep, it’s impressive how moderately sore I am all over. It feels like growth stimulus. I’m happy I did the 1500 workout.

I’m looking forward to extending the streak tommorow, and the day after that, and so forth.

Persistence & Tenacity