News & Nihilism

Lots of information, while true, is better off not being consumed.

Whoever you are, there’s something you read, or something you watch, that does nothing but put you down.

You can go without taking it in.

No one has ever become happier from watching the news.

Has staying informed of current events ever made any real positive impact on your day to day?

As far as I’ve seen it’s only capable of making you walk around as a gloomy gus.

As a middle schooler I stayed informed by the news, as an adult I don’t bother.

I’ll see enough of what’s going on boots on the ground.

Even if the worst of the fears comes true…it’s not worth obsessing over prior to it happening.

And usually the worst case scenario isn’t what comes to fruition.

Instead of watching the news, and reading doom and gloom…

Live. Life.