February 2022 Thoughts – “MMC” – Music, Math, & Chess :

Many “americans”, the norm…are dumb.

Doing nothing mentally rigorous, while choosing a lifetime, day after day, spent as a tv baby does this to you.

The internet is a large place, you CAN use it for good.

The smartphone, mostly used for dumb things, can be SMART.

I’ve been using a math app on my phone.

Doing problems against the clock forces you to think quick.

It’s silly, simple, and free – I’ve been using duolingo for years.

I too have been grinding chess on a cellphone app – I’ve yet to kick into planning it out.

You may seem really stupid at first.

Beginner 101 is like that.
It’s all part of the learning curve.

This is great! There’s only room to improve.

Every Man should be a Renaissance Man.

I’m thankful that in 5th grade I was able to borrow a trombone from the school district, thankful that my grandmother purchased me a used one to keep playing once that was turned back in.

A used instrument is only $50-$75, even someone on minimum wage should go get themselves a trumpet.

Playing an instrument is joy out loud.

I still have my trombone.
I played it daily for 13 weeks last year, I’m currently running this again.

There are benefits, the primary I notice is charisma, yet physical benefits even.

I find, while not necessarily cardio, it is in some way a wind builder, and my instrument play in youth likely factors into my ability to be LOUD.

Get a heavyset kid into a brass instrument, sprinting, and weights – what a great combination!

Beginner sheet music is online, freely published by some teacher or other who wants that stuff accessible.

Basically all information is like that ;
some teacher or other has put it online wanting it accessible to all interested.

There’s no excuse to just spectate.
Participation in life has never been more accessible.

The internet is the world’s greatest library.

The smartphone puts a supercomputer in your pocket.

Find the resources of interest to you, and work on the skills involved.

Put your soul into all you do.

Fear not my friend, life is beautiful.

Persistence & Tenacity