“She Looks Like A Very Happy Person”

Negativity, negativity, blah blah blah. My day got better, it’s all in the mind. It’s not like life is bad.

The truth.

To illustrate :

As I was driving I slowed down, seeing from a distance what looked like an Amish women standing on the side of the road looking to cross.

I slow down, do the waving you across motion to her. The landscaping truck going the other way seeing me stop also stops…

It’s not an Amish girl (probably Mennonite regionally if we’re to be accurate), it’s a nun. Kinda similar attire. Not ancient by a mile, probably mid 30s, but looked younger because…

This principle at play. But normal looking with an honest smile.

She smiled and I thought instantaneously “she looks like a very happy person” then “there’s truth to good thoughts showing through on your body*”

*body, face, your entire physique, vibe, aura, carriage, posture, and what have you – your very being.

Noteworthy, at three separate crosswalks everyone acknowledged that I stopped :
•high school guy nodded and threw a peace sign in acknowledgement (I walked away unscathed having been hit by a car at this very crosswalk – that’s a story in and of itself)
•early 30s redhead smiled and waved then continued running at a decent run, not jog pace
•nun in crummy part of town, smiles like a beam of sunlight, hand raised in acknowledgement.

There’s truth in your thoughts will show through.

Think good thoughts, not only are you, but the world is better for it.

The car and crosswalks kicked me back into a good proper mood.

I had a couple good conversations after, pet some friendly pitbulls, and was offered some yard grown fruit, which I gladly accepted. You can’t turn down homegrown fruit. Even went for a walk.


40 Days – Have You Tried Not Masturbating?

40 Days – Have You Tried Not Masturbating :

Have you tried not masturbating?

I’ve went 40 days, almost edging too far twice, and my body ridding itself of some ejaculate as I took a shit twice, once just over three weeks in, and on day 40 (where I almost edged too far).

The ancients were right to be strongly against masturbation.

Having implemented this behavioral change I’ve learned some things.

Firstly clinging to your wanker status clouds you to the negatives of what is truly a negative addictive behavior.

It’s not just porn that clouds life, so does masturbation.

You see more opportunity, more beauty without both.

Participating in one or the other really brings a haze over life, and you won’t see it till you’re honest with yourself, and then moreso once you’ve went three weeks or longer without them.

I’ve been porn free for more than a year, yesterday was 40 days without jerking off, the longest as far as I know I’ve went since I first jerked off a bit over a decade ago.

Summer 2019 I went a bit more than 30 days on more than one occasion, and frankly magic was happening.

I’ve chosen, just like I’m porn free for life to be done with jerking off entirely.

Deciding 40 days to be the write up landmark as per biblical connotation.

I’m no wanker.
Not anymore.

16-26 (just under 10½ years)
Did that shit for far too long.
I’ve grown up past it.

Where I’m different than most young men is : I don’t care all that much whether I am getting laid or not.

However, either way, I sure as hell am not wasting my seed getting off with my own hand.

Both watching porn and wanking, together or separately, are to the subconscious an admission of “not good enough for women”.

You get two big steps up in vibe, posture, charisma, eye contact, confidence ;

Huge all around confidence boosts from masculinity as intended by not doing either.

Testosterone issues or dick not working right?

Stop jerking off to porn.

No self confidence, no self worth?

Stop jerking off and do better things with your time than watch porn.

These two things can be and are for many step 1 in building masculinity 101.

You’re a Man without them.

Interestingly enough free of both not only is your charisma and confidence much higher, you are more easily turned on, have more of a happy contentment, and are able as said above able to see more beauty in the world.

This applies to everything from noticing nature that you used to ignore, to seemingly having ridiculously high appearance standards evaporate.

More “plain Jane” types will become attractive enough in some way in your eyes, you can see past the physical flaws for the physical features.

Every teenage boy jerking off for the first time is trading momentary pleasure for lengthy period of pain.

Having started I missed out on a lot.

Without wanking I’d likely be married to the petite freckled blonde from english class, have a bunch of kids, and be active duty military right now.

I clouded opportunity.

Masturbation was a huge reoccurring act of self harm when I reflect honestly upon my mistakes.

I’m glad now to have the freedom that comes with my oath to self.

I see/feel/perceive hope, opportunity, a happy future.

Notably 40 days has been long enough to have minimized the urge to the point I laugh at it, knowing there will always be a woman in my life when getting off is truly necessary.

Brother, if you’re in it, I’m pulling for you. I pray God assist you on your path of becoming masculinity as intended.

Persistence & Tenacity

Fasting Is No Hindrance To A Good Workout

Fasting is no hindrance to a good workout.

While you may get really stupid from all the effort while “empty”, you’re still completely capable of being very physical.

I wrestled. I’ve worked labor. It’s easy for me to push in the gym because I know how one can dig deep past dehydration, past an empty stomach, past whatever, and just keep going.

It’s actually a cool challenge to in that state maintain being fully mentally there.

Smoke yourself, but stay smart.
Be able to answer questions during a momentary rest.

And keep going.

Yeah empty makes you instinctive, but it’s superhuman to have the instincts turned on AND to still be completely able to think, rationalize, answer, etc.

It’s very applicable to the military, and frankly when you think the gym is hard remember this – somewhere in history a soldier has went through 1000x rougher a situation.

Quit complaining. Be a warrior.

Your world is only as soft as you allow it to be.

Go fast. Go train.

Go find out what you are truly capable of.

Right now you’re underestimating yourself, and underachieving.

Go far further! Get far more!
Get it!

Persistence & Tenacity

An Anecdote In Favor Of Lightly Kipped Pullups :

It was a good pullup set that night, the next day too, both 7 or 8 strict, and kipped to 10 with a brief bar hang to end.

Bigger guys can get good stimulus out of lightly kipped pullups.

I find the kipping to 10 and subsequent bar hang makes the set worth far more than the 7 or 8 reps otherwise.

There was this guy I knew a few years back ; 40 something, he’d used to fight mma, 5’10” 230, always doing conditioning work.

He’d super set combinations of burpees, rowing ergometer, 225lb deadlifts, and the like going hard for a good half hour at a time.

5’10” 230 is a good size to be both relatively lean, strong, and have wind at.


My nickname for him was “Mr. Intensity”.

He didn’t lift heavy much if at all when I knew him, a good portion of his workouts being the aforementioned superset conditioning style, and the other portion fairly light for 10×5-10 with normal minute or two rests.

However he looked and was far stronger than the plates he’d have on the bar.

Speaking with him he said he was good for a 405 bench – I didn’t doubt it.

Based on the leg press dropset, the 225 he almost never squatted heavier than was probably at most 50% of 1rm max. I figured him good for a mid 400 to mid 500 squat, similar deadlift.

Observation on the gym floor teaches those with eyes to see.

Kipping pullups is one lesson I gained from observing him.

He’d do 10×10 with a brief 45 second rest on lightly kipped pullups.

He told me he was good for 15 if not 20 strict pullups, but that would push the number of reps per subsequent set down far too much to get a good training effect.

With a light kip he got enough volume to get both a muscular and a wind training effect as he pushed the pace of the 10×10 which I regularly witnessed.

The Winter Air Oly Manifesto :

If you have a barbell and plates you can do the olympic lifts.

No bumper plates necessary, you do like they did before bumpers…always lowering the bar under control.

Never drop the bar.

You teach yourself form.

Weightlifting Form Simplified :

•Knees and elbows in alignment, shoulders in front of bar to start.

•Pull out the slack. You’re primed.

•Slowly deadlift to around knee height, then jump & shrug as hard as possible.

•Dip/Dive & Catch

•Use Power Variants


The best training effect comes from reps done from the deadhang.

The bar stopped, paused completely at jump & shrug height.
Then you jump & shrug. Hard.

Pull with all you’ve got.

That’s brute force acceleration.

Don’t lower the weight down at the hang preloading yourself with added momentum before the jump and shrug.

Do reps from the deadhang for the majority of your training.

Use normal reps without pause for maxes.

Any shoe will work. I don’t own weightlifting shoes.

Work boots are the blue collar oly shoe.

Lately I’ve worn beat up sneakers.

My flexibility has improved. I don’t need the work boot’s heel to comfortably overhead squat.

You don’t need a $1000 Eleiko bar.

The bar I lift with is sturdy, not a name brand, though a decent all purpose bar. I paid around $150 for it as a teenager.

I bought nice, but generic.
Functional. Affordable.

I’ll pass this barbell down to the next generation.

You don’t need to go for max weights every time, or often for that matter.

A light to moderate weight will give a good training effect, especially from the deadhang.

I power clean and power snatch, sometimes from the deadhang, but the two are really ways to press and overhead squat for reps.

Occasionally I deadhang one arm snatch light or do a javelin press.

Nor is there anything wrong with emulating girevoy sport with your barbell.

High rep barbell jerks are a great builder of ability.

At my own cold air barbell club I train by my own rules.

Training by your own rules – that’s the training philosophy to live by.

And since I want it, I get it, training outdoors in the winter.

The fresh air is phenomenal.

Persistence & Tenacity

11/24/20 Flow : Cold Air & Old Time Weightlifting + How High School Football Players Should Lift

The cold air is invigorating.

“Easy! Easy!” I yell during the first sets, dialing in form, adjusting to the temperature and gusts of wind as I warm up.

I’m not recording sets and reps this workout, just enjoying the fresh air as I oly at my barbell gym.

Checking off my overhead work for the day.

With overhead work daily this month, I’ve grown shoulders. I attribute this most strongly to the dumbbell see saw presses.

Using “base weight” – 135lbs, no more no less, I’m set on making it work for me.

Oh no the horrors of warming up and working with one weight…outside…in the cold.

Unideal set ups make ideal set ups that much easier, I’ll circle round back to this.

The power cleans and presses feel real good with form dialed in.

I don’t intend to push bar weight up fast, just doing olys easy like whenever through the winter.

A jump in weight here and there.
A session here and there.

The power snatches were good with explosion. I’m not starfishing.

The overhead squat is a bomb movement.

Power snatch into overhead squats likely being the best all around complete barbell workout in one movement.

I know how to train the entire local high school football team.

I’d forgo benching, not bother squatting out of a rack, and just get the team good at calisthenics and olys done real old school style.

Power variations, mostly from a dead hang, while never dropping the bar.

You don’t need bumper plates.

Reps once the bar is overhead, presses, overhead squats, jerks, alongside pullup and weighted pushup beasts.

1000x better than what my high school football team did…what I called “the silly circuit”, where big boy linemen got away with never front squatting harder than 8x115lbs, doing lackluster sets on every machine, while paying attention to and mostly being an embarrassment on ez bar curls and benching.

My way – 1000x better.
My way builds beasts.

It being something I’ve learned outdoors in the cold, the footing a piece of particle board which means perfect never starfish foot form, little black winter gloves keeping my hands from getting double dog dared stuck to the bar.

“If only I’d done this every summer through high school”.

The high rep overhead squats would’ve been a game changer.

You could train for weightlifting under these circumstances.
Bar. Plates. It’s there.

In my mind at the moment I see this as the real lifting base to bodybuild and calisthenic at planet fitness off of.

I can teach this and train others to superior results.

This far into typing I went back to working out.

Oh man a set of 15 overhead squats with 135 let me know I’m alive.

I barked back at a neighborhood dog going off at the sounds of my lifting barely into that set. A few Ric Flair “whoos” to keep the set going, the set slightly breathing squat style.

Into it.

Before stripping the bar another clean and a few military presses bringing my heels together to finish each rep like they used to a century ago.

I stripped the bar, did a few one arm snatches from the deadhang (a movement worth focus), and a javelin press on each side, then happy having lifted and written put the weights away.

The cold air barbell club hosted at my state of the art facilities is in session.

Cold air & barbells, you’re on top of the world.

Love it.

An Active Youth & Youth Sports Leads To Adult Fitness With Ease + The Next Level Of Women’s Upper Body Strength

Any son of yours that grows up in wrestling or gymnastics…

Any daughter of yours that grows up in gymnastics or cheerleading…

Now this isn’t a comprehensive list.

Kids should grow up playing every sport imaginable, both formal and informal.

Those particular sports however are going to build an athleticism and work ethic that makes it very easy to remain fit for life.

They’re all a big headstart.

The kids, boy and girl, stuck all day indoors on electronics really miss out.

Even something as simple as riding a bike regularly and doing a few pushups is a big help.

Don’t overlook the monkey bars.

Monkey bars alone made mandatory through daily middle school and high school pe class could solve america’s collective obesity.

Activity as a child builds a baseline strength naturally higher than that of the rank beginner who has found their way away from a screen (for the first time in their life), and into the gym.

I’ve noticed that amongst girls capable of doing strict pushups having grown up in gymnastics or cheerleading is regularly a commonality.

It makes sense factoring in all the shoulder work involved.

Girls don’t normally get much upper body stimulus.

Girls capable of the calisthenics trifecta of pullups/dips/pushups, get props.

Especially those under 25.

And I’ve seen the builds (and ages but that’s not my point right now) run the gamut amongst those capable.

They aren’t the 50 year old kettlebell instructor who had decades to get her abilities.

They did so in a pretty abbreviated time frame.

(And I view this differently than guys who are very strong under 25, then stall out til mid 30s in max strength.)

Pushups seem to be the one women struggle most with, and get last.

They’re capable of all three, they’re all just somewhat rare in general.

So again, props.

For women having pushups is like them having a 135lb bench (which is the next level for them past pushups). It’s the start of another level, a higher level of fitness, particularly in upper body strength.

Persistence & Tenacity

Groceries Are Simple

Groceries are simple, yet many need grocery lists.

Recently someone said to me they’ll leave the grocery store having bought none of the stuff they need, and a bunch they don’t.

I don’t generally make a list, nor do I have that problem.

My groceries are wicked simple :

•Ground Beef & Burger Ingredients
•Stew Meat & Stew Ingredients
•Fruit Juice
•Eggs & Egg Shake Ingredients

Since it’s seasonal apple cider.
And a bit of other stuff that sounds good in addition.

It’s good nutritious food, really simple, enjoyable, affordable, and I’m able to cook as little as twice a week while having dinner ready to eat every evening.

Easy. Stress free.

Persistence & Tenacity

Machine Mentality

From The Archives :
(“я машина” wasn’t the first time I wrote this down.)

“I’m a machine.”

I’m a machine.

High reps? Timed sets?
It’s nothin, there is only doing the work.

A machine feels nothing.
A machine just does.

Nothing phases him.

No days off? A machine doesn’t even notice. There is required training to be done.

The squats are pistoned off, up, down, up, down, up.

Food? Fuel.
What did you eat again?

Feasting, fasting, dirty, or clean… the reps get done regardless.

Is that lactic acid? The machine puts it out of mind.

“Lactic acid? Does not compute.”
Back to skipping rope.

A joint feels buggy? The machine does some prehab work (maintenance), and gets back to work.

“Dude, you’re curling!”
“Just to keep the elbows good for squat everyday.”

Every human has weakness. With a machine mentality you get rid of that shit.

Who knows when I’ll step inside a gym again. Thing is though, I’ll always get stronger. Machine mentality. There is no other way.

It’s easier to have the task oriented outlook of a machine without weakling outside influence.

Training solely alone either turns you weakling or robot.

Persistence & Tenacity

Cereal = Health Problems

Cereal causes health problems.

The box may say heart healthy, but the more breakfast cereal one consumes over their lifetime the higher and higher their odds of heart attack, and diabetes are pushed.

That’s what my own two eyes have seen.

Slopping cereal = heart attack and/or diabetes. And you don’t even enjoy eating it as you’re prepping for health problems.

I don’t see that with eggs. Most are too scared of them. And got forbid they’re drank raw.

Real food is villianized, yet it’s all there at the grocery store, you’re free to purchase either or.

But to take the step, to eat real food, you’ve got to have an independent mind, and be fearless.

The fearful and conformist slop down soggy cereal.

(↑slogan/™ right there)

Those who see, who think, they’ll act – enjoying red meat, eggs, milk, shopping mostly the peripheral of the grocery store.

You clearly see one’s food choices playing out in direct correlation not only to their physiques, but to their personalities as well.

Look at the history of meat eating, access to meat, and who ate grain.

The barrier to meat is still there, but instead of butting up against the penalty of death for poaching one of the king’s deer, you now butt up against propaganda and lies everywhere about how bad meat is for you.

Smarts allow for dietary freedom.
Stupidity is the root cause of terrible dietary choices.

Brawndo – it’s got electrolytes.
But saturated fat has vitality.

Eating cereal is this smart! It’s heart healthy!

Carbs aren’t evil, but a diet of naught but grain sure ain’t ideal.

No one ever went wrong with meat, potatoes, vegetables. Past that is often calories, but not nutrition.

Persistence & Tenacity