Machine Mentality

From The Archives :
(“я машина” wasn’t the first time I wrote this down.)

“I’m a machine.”

I’m a machine.

High reps? Timed sets?
It’s nothin, there is only doing the work.

A machine feels nothing.
A machine just does.

Nothing phases him.

No days off? A machine doesn’t even notice. There is required training to be done.

The squats are pistoned off, up, down, up, down, up.

Food? Fuel.
What did you eat again?

Feasting, fasting, dirty, or clean… the reps get done regardless.

Is that lactic acid? The machine puts it out of mind.

“Lactic acid? Does not compute.”
Back to skipping rope.

A joint feels buggy? The machine does some prehab work (maintenance), and gets back to work.

“Dude, you’re curling!”
“Just to keep the elbows good for squat everyday.”

Every human has weakness. With a machine mentality you get rid of that shit.

Who knows when I’ll step inside a gym again. Thing is though, I’ll always get stronger. Machine mentality. There is no other way.

It’s easier to have the task oriented outlook of a machine without weakling outside influence.

Training solely alone either turns you weakling or robot.

Persistence & Tenacity