December 2022 Flow – 12/31/22 – Physical Goals 2023 :

Yesterday’s pushups were done late – a few sets in the 11 o’clock hour, as early as 1120, as late as 1159pm.

I pushed the woody woodpecker reps high, the first set to 150 – then threw in strict reps to end, standing up huffing and puffing.

When you’re like that, and breathe deep in – you can breathe into a lat pose, everything expanding.

You feel BIG with the combination of the pump and the breathing.

It’s rather euphoric as is the pushing…to counteract work’s stimulus.


I recall exactly that in the dip odyssey of summer 2019 – the 300+ daily dips felt real good stretching my biceps which were tight from work.


Yesterday I noticed a definite urge to eat out of boredom.

I bet I’ve been doing that my entire life.

Now a bit more active, and not standing all day next to food, it impresses me how little I eat.

Part of that is the food choices – basically every meal involving saturated fat from meat.

Lunch at work has been ½ a salami and cheese sandwich.

Dinner at home has been a rotation of steak, kielbasa, and italian sausage, mixing them on a leftovers day.

Last night for instance I ate my fill, only ¾ of the dish containing 1lb steak. 3 eggs, 1 big onion and a small amount of peppers with cheese I fried up.

I’ve been pretty low on carbs lately.
The only real source being cranberry juice, and my milk drinking is down.

Maybe psychologically, mind and action in alignment, I’m doing what I expect to be necessary to stop being fat.


Funny after righting the above to eat ramen with peanut butter and chocolate chips.


Almost 2am, wicked hungry I make a second pack of ramen.

Today’s pushups were done early, about 240am after the aforementioned second pack of ramen.

Reading comments about getting prison jacked, the shit amps me up – so I did pushups.

I want to drop 20lbs of body fat, have three girlfriends, and fuckin ace PT tests at 220+.

Bleachers. Massive pushups. Figure out regular pullup training. Work as hard as you can on the moving job, fuck the pay – hustle.

Use the job as a physical challenge.
Train in addition to the job.


No bleachers today.
No rock climbing simulation today.

Pushups, a nap, and a brief overhead squat set.

Lift :
Overhead Squat
20 x bar.
One Arm Overhead Squat :
1 x bar each side

Energy is highest when you just go all day, every day. Use this.

The quad pump from the overhead squats was great, reps shy of lockout – I’m okay with that on overhead for reps.


It’s nearly new year’s, and the past week my psyche has been filled with thoughts of “rise”, “start again – better”, “better – disciplined, accomplishing”.

My 20s are nearly over. I do not like where I’ve let my life go, in this now just over decade, since turning 18.

It’s my own fault – as, yes, some is out of your control, but it’s still primarily in your hands how you respond, the actions you take, how you make it work.

And then you smile anyway.

There’s an internal debate about how strict on self I’m going to be.

It’s nice, that natural evolvement, I don’t have much desire to not eat relatively clean anymore.

In 2023 I’m going to have visible abs.

I’m currently figuring out where I’m going with physical culture.

My bodyweight is too heavy. Getting wind, calisthenics, athletic ability at 20-40lbs lighter, well I’ll lift heavier along with all that.

The body performs best when it’s in shape.


2023 Physical Get To Thems :
•6:00 mile (again)
•300lb c&p
•20+ pullups (again)

2023 Physical Nice To Haves/On Back Burner :
•freestanding handstand pushups (it’s been close in the past)
•backflip (it’s been close in the past)

I wrote these in the order of priority.

It’d be good to get some social aspect again with training, maybe be at a rock climbing gym or boxing/bjj/mma gym – however all the goals above I can do without paying dollars anywhere.

Will I ever work as a personal trainer?
To do so seems like, whether here or somewhere else, to demand a restructure of my entire life.

December 2022 Flow – 12/30/22 – Move For Athleticism

It’s a blessing that the sportsball on the television has no draw to me.

At the restaurant last night my mom asked me “what are you thinking”, my reply being “I’m noticing that the television to my right, a celtics game about to start – which is a big deal to many here, has zero draw to me.

I guess you could argue that porn has something of a siren song to me, but that definitely comes and goes, and like anything that falls under the category of addictive behavior – the intensity of that call ranges from silent/muted to blaring based on other life factors.

I’m a week clean.

My beard is regrowing.

I look back, having been clean the entire calendar years of 2020 and 2021, and know that I will do better.

I am referring to not watching porn as time clean. There’s a reason for this.

Viewing porn had been my addictive vice behavior, even though I have many times over the past 8-11 years gone lengths without regularly.

Is it really a problem if you go 10-30 days, often months, multiple years, without it just about every time you use?
My answer is yes, and my answer, to me, is what matters.


Okay, this struck me on the moving job the day before yesterday :

While I was about to walk a box across the ramps set on front landing to the front door to the side door of the truck, a son of the customer (either age 4 or 6 – I presume the elder) leaped from a frozen garden bed, a broad jump of greater than his height I would say, and seemingly while in motion of that jump, ducked into a position of torso bent at the waist, a parallel to the ground battlefield crouch, and landed under the ramps without wipeout.

Ducking as he jumped it was an impressive display of athleticism.

The kids, though young, but based on their possessions did play organized hockey, we packed a bunch of bauer helmets and maybe a dozen sticks – it simply was striking to me as they ran around, gymnastically, that it was an example of how humans are supposed to be capable of moving.

They too had a little photo collage of all four doing mountain climbers, dad and sons doing lunges, all the neighborhood kids playing soccer in the street/driveway, etc – a little made by moms commemorative of apparently neighborhood soccer/hockey/basic fitness fun exercise involving kids and some parents.

I thought it cool.


I keep thinking lately, that though strong…I have achieved “muscle bound” being incredibly stiff both upon waking, and in general on days off, plus noticing the customer’s kids were running around like ninjas, coworkers who live an unhealthy lifestyle being highly physical, thinking as I ran up the ramp into the truck “my wind isn’t at the right level”, a thought to myself that if I was to go to bjj I’d have to wrestle greco with how I feel right now, thinking indoor rock climbing or playground simulation while wishing my pullup ability was where it was at in summer 2021 as I partially climbed warehouse scaffolding as access to materials for the truck was blocked otherwise (send the biggest guy to monkey around lol), just in general thinking…

A fit lanky human is more all around than big and muscular!

I have zero issue going outside, cleaning & pressing.

I have zero issue sitting outside for hours.

I have zero issue doing my daily pushups.

What I should be doing is running, jumping, grappling, climbing, swimming – MOVING!

I do this, and many going to gyms do this too – the entirety of physicality becomes a stiff lifting or stationary cardio activity, while nothing is fluid, primal, loose, free, or flowing.


I’ve felt very relaxed, having both a high sense of well being and hope for an unknown future – often thinking these past few days “right now is temporary – a man can thrive starting at any point”

It’s not a bad place to be.

It could be “honeymoon phase ” with a new job, but I expect it to hold.

I’ve worked this job, at this company, with the same management before.

I know their drama.
I don’t see anything there bugging me, after all – I’m paid to go up and down stairs with odd objects.

Overall it’s good for you to do this.


No lift today, though I did a set of hammer curls, 35 reps with a pair of 10s before cooking today’s dinner.

Pullup ability would be real good to get back to.

It may be time to build a bar for the yard.

One at 8′ for weighted pullups, another one at hip/waist height for recline rows.


Lunch -a combination of leftovers

Dinner – leftover steak, cut into strips, reheated in pan with peppers & onion

Okay, I was almost real lazy about chopping up an onion.

Realized how chickenshit lazy that was when I found fried onion chunks like you’d put on a casserole, so chopped the onion anyway.

And added those additionally while plating.

Over a year of line cooking and food prep, and I’m both a better cook, and enjoy cooking for myself/people I know far more than I had before.

It’s a joy to prepare a healthy, nutritious meal, and it’s sheer laziness that keeps americans from eating well at home.

The philly cheesesteak’s filling is basically what I made, and is perfect nutrition – frozen peppers in the pan with butter, chop up leftover steak into strips, with that in the pan, dice (ish) an onion, that about done – three eggs into the pan, those fried, melt cheese into the mix.

Took maybe ten minutes.

Okay google what cheese comes on a philly cheesesteak?
Result : american, provolone, or cheez whiz

Time to eat. I had a slice of american in there, but finishing that off it was mexican mix to bulk up the amount of cheese in the pan.


Okay, back now, but I didn’t eat without using my phone.

Surfing the web while eating is a bad habit, one I do at just about every meal at home, ie when I sit at the table alone.


I feel like I’ve ate too much, and that’s at really with only a moderate amount as listed above plus a few oreos.


Approaching 30 am I going to be much leaner than my longer than a decade at burly from 17 to present?


A man can rise to the greatest heights from any time, from any starting point.
Remember that.

Persistence & Tenacity

December 2022 Flow – 12/29/22 – Restaurants From The Other Perspective :

I leave the window mostly up as a courtesy to them, having heard “well not open open – it’s not summertime my guy” to which I laughed “you don’t know me yet – I drive windows down year round.

Then they both smoked/vaped.
It’s about the only aspect of moving that I truly dislike.

All the second hand smoke which I find both clogs my nose, and bugs my eyes a little.


Man, labor feels good to me.

Running up the ramp in the cold air, 8am – exhilarating.

It’s honest work, and feels better to my soul than just about every other job has to me – though I prefer teaching people to train.

Men need to be able to be physical, and not have nags nagging while they’re trying to efficiently work.


The woman managing the moving company is rough around the edges, though admittedly it’s a hard life that sees you learning stick shift on the fly in a moving truck to support yourself the day you turned 18 and in a rough area to boot – that’s her story.

However I can work with/for her, and seeing all these pothead chain smokers…it’s, again, a wake up call – these dudes who never have seen the inside of a gym, and never will, put the vast majority of gym goers to shame in ability to be physical in a labor job type setting.

Whether lanky or stocky, they’re all 5’7″-5’9”, with large hands, and I know they’re far more effective at moving than just about any gym dude I’ve met.

Gym dudes who can hack it on a moving truck are pretty few and far between.
I’m one of only a handful that I’ve come across.

It’s a rarity, and we’ve even discussed this in years past.

Gym strength carries over, it shines, only on pianos, the odd 600lb gun safe into a basement (a fun day that was), or other such ridiculous delivery.

From the mover’s standpoint it’s nearly useless. See again lanky potheads carrying everything down two flights of stairs, not wind, but need to smoke a cigarette their only possible issue.

I lift because I like lifting.

It’d be better to run loads of bleachers, and carry weird shit as pastimes from a carryover to work standpoint.

Heavy hiking too.

Lifting :

Out of work early enough so as to still have daylight…

And on the note – I do my daily pushups EVERY DAY before work.

Press :
3×185 STRICT
3×185 STRICT

This felt real good after work, used the remaining daylight. Glutes pumped up. Quads and triceps too fired well.


#1 right now is – under no circumstances am I to do anything causing compulsion to shave.

Get the beard back.
The rest is negligible.


My mother and I went out to eat tonight.

I had expected to be fasted or nearly so.

I’d eaten my half sandwich at work.

However upon arriving home I drank both a 16oz bottle of milk and one of cranberry juice.

Then after lifting – ravenous – instead of waiting a few hours for the anticipated restaurant dinner I pounded oreos and slices of american cheese.

That was unexpected.
It too is an interesting combination – higher activity and you crave deserts, then the sugar causes you to crave saturated fat to blunt the response.

An oreo or two, a slice of american cheese, repeat a few times while pumped up from some good overhead pressing.

My metabolism is up – I expect to get lean with the moving job.

While again today I had the urge to go run bleachers, however I wasn’t going to back out of plans with my mom to do so.

But the urges are there, to be both highly physical and outgoing/social.

This is great!


It was nice to eat at a restaurant – food you didn’t make – sitting down, enjoying the experience.

Not being the line cook yourself!

A tv show being called hell’s kitchen – well hell’s kitchen is an apt name for describing many a line cooking job.

I’ll never see restaurants in the same light again.


December 2022 Flow – 12/28/22 – “The Other Driver Drove Off” :

Moving seems like it’ll be a weight loss activity.

The kitchen, obviously, had more ready access to calories.

With a soda fountain you may never lose weight 🙂

Whereas at a highly physical job you’re not really going to down calories.

Half a sandwich, 16oz juice, 16oz milk, did it for me on a roughly 6 hour shift, moderate in effort – there was one hour where I did solidly 30 flights carrying boxes and totes down some annoyingly small stairs – my feet way to big for each step.

The only one running boxes at the time, only two of us in the house because…the driver of another three man crew threw a hissy fit and no shit drove off simply having had my crew lead, the job’s crew lead, tell him that we needed to get our truck where he was parked.

That he’d started loading the wrong truck.


Mind you it’s only two days in, moving apparently subbed for kitchen work – as I didn’t receive an emailed kitchen schedule, and my psyche is far better.

I punched out at 330pm, and just sighed at having no gym to go have a blast lifting weights and being social at.

There was an urge to go run bleachers.
I liked that I felt this urge.

I genuinely am at about the point of training for moving outside of work.

I want loads of physical activity.

Getting used to 100 flights of stairs would serve multiple purposes.

•mover job = easier
•for cardio, running them
•weight loss, for abs & more handsome= pretty boy status as well as mover job = easier

Win Win Win

And for kicks shoulder something as I do so. Maybe my 70lb heavy bag, maybe rebuild a sandbag.

The customer didn’t believe that I sprinted when I was in high school, but I ran the 200m at only 20-30lbs lighter than I am now.

•don’t be a germaphobe
•be highly physical, at work + outside of work
•lift weights
•run bleachers
•ask out the pretty ones til you have the three girlfriends that you joke about having
•see if a swim buoy and wetsuit allow for winter swimming – I like swimming, the lake could be on the table this way


I felt this in the past, and am experiencing it immediately again now that I’m working moving jobs.

•I want to be physical!
•I want to be social!

Moving puts you in a good place for both!
As you have to be good with the customers, where shooting the shit – plus politeness, makes the day go better, and the high level of physicality entailed by the job keeps your feet wet for loving and having a robust physicality as well.


16oz of honey roasted peanuts is 2619 calories, 122g protein – at the regular grocery store it costs $2.50, while it may be less elsewhere.

That’s better than both 1000 nutritious calories, and 40g protein per dollar in an easy to snack on hands free package.

This package, while I’ve yet to bring it to work, has supplied me with two after work snacks so far, about 40% of the package each time.

In the next few days I’ll buy two or three, so as to both have plenty on hand, and to see if this pattern holds so as to not waste them by overstocking myself up.

I actually still had the unfinished one from 2½ years ago, about 20% left in fact – I tossed it out last night


I’m eating pretty clean right now, real nutritious.

Meat for dinner, ½ salami sandwich for lunch, cranberry juice, milk, peanuts, a little bit of cookies.

Moving is probably making this more streamlined, instinctive.

I feel so good right now. The bad don’t matter. The following FEELS SO RIGHT…it’s my time.


My God, I drove into work this morning WITHOUT a sense of dread!

I haven’t watched porn or masturbated since before my first shift here.

So far I’m batting .500 on “lifting after work”, but – free – I don’t give a damn whether this is .000 or 1.000!

Persistence & Tenacity

December 2022 Flow – 12/27/22 – First Day Back As A Mover :

First Day Back As A Mover :

There was a piano, I got to carry a piano – an upright, it was not the 800lbs coworkers thought, or maybe it was.

Personally I don’t view uprights as hard to carry – I enjoy carrying them in fact.

Pretty funny how half the guys there were ducking and dodging getting hands on it, and hell I set up on the side where I wouldn’t have to walk backwards.

Mostly we packed. Loaded only a little onto the truck. Under 6h including truck time. Will be back, same job, tomorrow.

Food & Drink :

I went to work fasted.

Coworkers bought monsters at a gas station – most are on the patented laborer’s diet of monster & cigs.

Last night I’d made two sandwiches, ate half of one then, packed the rest.

At work ate ½ sandwich. My patented oatnut bread, butter, american cheese, salami sandwich – sometimes with peanut butter, today without.

The inventor of salami deserves a kiss from the prettiest of girls for inventing such a great work food.

what else would you be thinking about

I drank a 16oz bottle refilled with cranberry juice. Had packed two, as well as two filled with milk. Didn’t touch those three bottles.

Had a gallon of water with me – drank ½.
Will bring ¾+ in the gallon every shift – I sweat profusely….even in winter.

This a reason to lose ~20lbs, though I’ve sweat profusely at my every adult bodyweight, from 195ish to 280ish.

I look forward to some combination of steak, italian sausage, and kielbasa for dinner.

Groceries :

I’d have ate cheese sticks at work had I any in my cooler – I prefer them to bars, as they’re more nutritious.

So I picked up my mover foods on the way home.

•cheese sticks
•honey roasted peanuts
•cranberry juice

With cheese sticks throw 6 or 8 into the cooler, I assume eating 4 per shift.

You simply pour the peanuts out of it’s bottle into your mouth. I was doing that last time around working this job. And tomorrow will have the ability to do so again.

Cranberry juice worked real well as work food.

Way more nutritious than gatorade.

It’s striking how bad people eat/drink at work.

As I type there is just a little more daylight to lift in.

Lift :

Meant to neti pot before this, but it’s easier to not really go into the house – to stay outside til time to shower up.

Only went in to put groceries away, bring in the mail.

Lateral Raises ss w/Press :
25×2½s /8×165
25×2½s /4×165 STRICT

I like this program – presses & lateral raises.

No legs trained today :)-
Not like they fire during some presses, not like I have to clean the bar, not like this job involves stairs lol

Did lift today. Didn’t run out of daylight.


Moving felt far better to me than the kitchen – the kitchen was a rut.
Pointedly do not get in a rut working this job.


When A Barbell Thinks It’s A Kettlebell :

I’ve fallen back into lifting little more than amrap presses.

Frequency is up – I’m enjoying it, and lifting really gets me into a positive place.

Right now milking 165lbs for all it’s worth, with a guideline of 5 x ≥10 as standard to bump bar weight to 185lbs.

You really own the weight this way, and I don’t warm up – I just setup, shoulder the bar, and press whatever happens.

I imagine with kettlebells you basically just get into it with work weight.

No lollygagging around with lighter warmups.

Then once the weight is easy, you go up to the next size kettlebells.

With a barbell this is a 10lb+ jump.
There’s even the possibility of the 45/25 method, using ONLY 45s and 25s on the bar.

Putting weights overhead for lots is an amazing way to be big and strong.

I realize I have a very big and strong upper body.

Really felt that walking back into the house after carrying the piano.

It was a good day.

Persistence & Tenacity

December 2022 Flow – 12/26/22 – Press 15×165!

15×165 = PR
6×165 STRICT
10×165 – FULL BODY – quads & triceps
3×165 STRICT – pauses at top & bottom

me lifting today with cheerleaders – the bitchiest girlfriend (she knows how rare natural red hair is) & her twin
Clean  Notes :

The first three sets used good power cleans – the basketball shoes I wore were actually very good footwear for the particle board I call platform

The forth set was off a heave.

Press Notes :

PR set pressing with loose press form, shy of a chin height lowering/from higher than chin height some reps.

Second set pretty strict, last set more strict as I paused at the top and below chin bottoms of each and every rep.

The 10 rep set was a real good set, getting reps with very good quad and tricep activation – really feeling the muscles work – loose at the bottom of the rep, only down to chin height, but with some pauses at the top

It’s worth loosening and tightening form throughout the session for a more variable and improved training effect.

Thinking :

I take a day off yesterday, had masturbated a few times this morning (which usually does and today did – tire me – tightens my lower back and feels like life force is emptied in part from my body busting nuts for no reason and note : dude stop doing this, we’ve just delayed beard growth a couple days again by doing.

However masturbation is, in my eyes, a lesser sin than watching porn.)

Cooked a steak for a couple dinners prep,
bought groceries – cranberry juice, milk, salami – the life force refilling juice, and work food.

Got home from the grocery store, and lifted immediately with the last bit of daylight.

And PR’d.

Maybe it was the rest day.

Maybe it was a testosterone boost from getting off via hand – does it work that way, and/or having made eye contact with a cute, curvy brunette in the store which would be a “PR by cute chick” on a half hour delay lol

Maybe testosterone simply was high today, I did after all impulsively jerk off as I had woken up particularly horny

Maybe it was just x 15 reps time.

Work :

Tomorrow I’ve that first moving shift in 2½ years. I’m a bit nervous, and yet excited.

Man, these are basically just me journaling. Anyone reading? I’d be curious to see a sound off/roll call from readers in the comments.

Persistence & Tenacity

Today’s PR Music :

empire roll call – big temps (just the verse time stamped – that’s what I lifted to)

December 2022 Flow – 12/25/22 – Merry Christmas!

Christmas day.

I spent a little time with family.
The day was off from work.

I chose not to lift, taking a nap with what daylight remained instead.

no lifting today, though he still came last night

Around midday, all the cars – I wondered what percentage were going to visit, what percentage going home.

I was supposed to see a buddy, that fell through.

I gave him a call, it went to voicemail – I moved on with my day.

That’s how I play such things – no shows just don’t bother me.

There’s always something else to do instead.

However, aren’t there people out there – others who are consistent? I should be able to meet some.


In my day to day I’m real good about always being on time, if not early.

I’ve heard stories of men who worked 40+ years at one factory, never once late, never once calling out.

I can’t say this about me.
I have been late. I have called out.

Not infallible, but higher quality than the large majority.

I’ve had lots of jobs, and there are still ones I’d like to try.

To tend bar (despite never having drank) – I’d like to tend bar.

Technically, I had a phone sales job (very briefly), I don’t count that – I’d like to try sales, car sounds good to me, was something I tried to get into in my early 20s – no dice.

I’ve met a dude, with a labor and jail background, who makes six figures in I think it’s solar – early thirties, I think he’s a millionaire.


deleted a big downer section


Man it’s Christmas day!

Laughs, I’m not unhappy, just… lost searching.

For income good enough, a woman (or three) good enough.

lol – my girlfriend, all three of them, is a standard joke I make…even say it to my mom

all three of them – the brunette is my favorite – being botb sweetest by far, and properly tall, 5’9″ or so – not a little 5’2″ spinner like the blonde :)-

All kidding aside – I’ve been having this internal crisis of how to both have kids, support them, and raise them right, raise them well.

Been looking at my Dad, his sacrifice – struggles, in a different light lately.

In fact, I saw a picture of his Dad today.

Papa – I’d only met him a few times.
He passed when I was six. The New England side of the family, before we moved from Cali to New England.

I’ve seen very few photos.

My dad has often joked about me being the result of what would happen if my two grandfathers quickly ran face first into each other all cartoon like.

Or were put into a particle collider.

This year he’s said I basically look like his dad had he lifted weights.

With that picture today of Papa standing with an aunt – today I saw the resemblance!

There’s a bunch of facial similarities, and it looked like we have the same shoulder bone structure.

Nice to see, feel, the bloodline’s past.
Papa. Dad. Me. Future Sons.

Persistence & Tenacity

December 2022 Flow – 12/24/22 – It’s Christmas Eve!

Yesterday I hit the bag, same bag I bought for myself at 14. One of those things I’ve never used enough.

Bare knuckle. Hitting til just shy of bleeding, then wash the hands at the end, move on with the day.

It’d be useful to glove up and simply use as a conditioning tool – straight smashes “berserker” -full retard – all out on it.

Use it as a way to improve wind.

Drop some weight which leads into something below…


santa claus is coming

Moments ago I was reading some posts from almost four years ago..

•overhead squats
•light deadlifts
•joy of lifting at home
•labor job

I just started picking up moving shifts again after 2½ years – so many things I’d said “never again” to then did again this year – I made the decision that working as a mover is better for me, this moment, than not to.

It’s easy money to me – I like the high activity, thrive on it in fact – and enjoy being on, the sometimes challenge of, piano jobs.

The work something I can hunker down at in the present – regrow my beard (from all the mandatory shaving clean – including tomorrow morning – all that never again I did this year), while easily able to move on from.

The pros outweighing cons, I realized it better for me to disregard saying never again as I had in the past.

So I’m at a moving company from my past again, possibly for only the three months it takes to regrow three months of beard.

We’ll see. It’s not a rigid thing.
I feel a certain level of freedom as a mover.


Today’s Lift :


Immediately after the Christmas Eve service.

It’s cool that 10×165 is baked in, cool to see walk around strength grow as time goes on.

I lift most days, just about every time I see a gap of time – that’s a nice aspect of having weights at home.

All I did was grab headphones (it completely slipped that I was starting without music again), gloves, skullcap, the whole thing taking 5:00 or less from start to finish and done.

My little black winter gloves have all sorts of worn “hobo holes”. My fingers almost triple dog dared stuck to the bar.


Diet Ideas :

•steak & milk
steak, potatoes, & milk
•steak, steak, & more steak
•salami or meatloaf sandwiches, then steak for dinner – milk with both meals, pizza when provided (the moving laborer plan)
•anything above with cruciferous vegetables

We’ll see if this round of moving labor causes me to lose weight or not.

It’s worthwhile to up protein a bit, so as to recomp regardless of scale – I’ve made this mistake in the past, and the extra protein is better for me from steak, salami, milk – fatty animal sources.

The last time I regularly drank whey only lasted for ten days to three weeks, it, alongside having started working in a kitchen, plus daily gym sessions was too fast a metabolism.

If I drink iced coffee at this job, and drink whey (even in milk), I’ll have to bump calories a bit to counteract this.

My first moving shift (the fourth time I’ve now said this) is in a few days.

I’m excited.


For the first time in awhile ground beef by the 10lb tube is well priced at walmart.

Noticing this the other day was part of what got me to the idea of meatloaf sandwiches regularly.

I’m already at “fuck it” in regards to always buying the $6/lb steak, which tastes GREAT with relish on top, was thinking of cooking it to medium, slicing into small pieces and bringing to work – eating cold out of tupperware.

It’s been more than a year with a significant amount of my calories being low quality restaurant food – the employee meal, the soda fountain, saving food waste.

Right now I don’t really care about having a food budget so long as I’m cooking it myself.

$10/day is a lb of steak and gallon of milk with a dollar and change for incidentals.

$21/day covers 3lbs steak and a gallon of milk with change for incidentals.

$15/day allows steak, milk, extra meat in other forms, and the incidentals.

It’s worthwhile to me to both eat more, eat more frequently, and move more.

With the occasional fasting day the above is healthiest most often.

Persistence & Tenacity

December 2022 Flow – 12/23/22 – “My Line In The Sand”

“I draw my line in the sand, this is where I intend to stand. And that’s my plan.”
– E Town Concrete “Battle Lines”



We, as men, we must have our lines in the sand in life.

We accept this. We will not accept that.

2022 held a lot of pain for me.

A large part due to my crossing of my own lines repeatedly.

•I masturbated.
•I watched porn.

•I accepted being treated like shit.

Whether you’re getting shit or silver, you’re manifesting your desires from the universe.

Look inward. The answer is there.
Always was. Always will be.

“Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” – Luke 17:21 KJV

I’m just a sinner, yet made in God’s image.
He, Grandfather, myself, my future children – expect more of me.

Inward. Driven. A Line. Guts.


Nature is beautiful, and yet the scariest thing in existence.

A wind storm is one thing, in it you’re hearing god’s wrath against the walls – I can only imagine what a tornado is like to experience.

An old dead tree came down, but didn’t take anything out this time.

The scariest, and yet also most impressive thing I’ve experienced was a fall hail storm, close to dark – the sky briefly blood red blurred by ice cube like precipitation, on a nebraska highway.

I was very happy to park my car for the night, then walked to a nearby gas station to get a half gallon of milk for the night.
I remember that detail. Milk is a big reoccurrence in my life.

The power out is forcing a bit of a fast.
Never open the fridge. Besides I’ve no way to cook without electricity anyway.

Crackers? I’ll just fast til whenever.
Though I had extended an invite to go out to eat which was turned down, nor do I particularly feel like going by myself to get a meatball sub and an iced coffee.

I like iced coffee, but have no tolerance for caffeine. It’s too late in the day, though that’s for the most part any time of day for me. :)-


It’s funny that “gains” is made out to be some difficult thing.

It doesn’t take long – beginner gains get you most of the way there.

And then you never stop.

They’ll always stay with you.

Online they act like one missed workout/one workout too many, or one off diet meal/skipped meal is gonna ruin everything.

Good luck with that.

Even the homeless aren’t starving themselves weak.

A bunch of those dudes look like reasonably fit, if old, light heavyweights.

Humanity isn’t soft.

I’m doing pretty well on intermittent fasting where half of my meals end up being pizza.


I sit outside for hours, all weather.

Most find this odd, and I have been ribbed about it many times.

That doesn’t bother me, just as the weather does not bother me, but is an enjoyment.


The steak, ½lb leftovers still was around medium having been reheated (this kept autocorrecting to redhead) – I put relish on it, the relish I believe intended to be a little hot, but I have pretty high tolerance to that sort of thing unlike caffeine.

I can make a steak far better than any chain restaurant.

And it’s a quarter of the cost with healthier ingredients.

redhead – cause autocorrect & Christmas Eve Eve


Dude, you went all of 2017 without porn, most of 2021 without masturbating.

Willpower. Especially about no porn.

It’s your line in the sand.


Persistence & Tenacity

young dopey – hell & back 187 remix

December 2022 Flow – 12/22/22 – Weakling, You Don’t Need That Music!



pauses at the top, pretty strong, strict set – it’s good to get at least a set daily, “bulgarian press” for being stupidly strong


Weakling, You Don’t Need That Music!

Coddled, that’s what it is. I had the opportunity to lift before work today, naturally waking up early enough while starting late enough, and chose for the extra time in bed instead of nutting up and lifting in the morning cold.

Just as soon as I got home I did that set of presses, but before stepping outside (interesting how much easier I find it to lift after work than before) I was about to connect the bluetooth headphones to my phone to once again play “place the phone at the edge of the wifi signal’s range while lifting in bluetooth range of the phone” then recalling that I had pondered this point last night – I did not bother and stepped outside without headphones on.

Many times I have lifted for lengths of time without music (if you can even call all that goes into the headphones that), and realized it is time to do so again.

Though I lifted through all weather for over a year now, I had been absolutely coddling myself almost never not having headphones kept on my head by cossack looking skull cap over.

we’re ignoring this possibility entirely – the motivation can only be from within, and don’t be a pussy about the morning cold, when you can swing bulgarian frequency do so

Persistence & Tenacity