December 2022 Flow – 12/24/22 – It’s Christmas Eve!

Yesterday I hit the bag, same bag I bought for myself at 14. One of those things I’ve never used enough.

Bare knuckle. Hitting til just shy of bleeding, then wash the hands at the end, move on with the day.

It’d be useful to glove up and simply use as a conditioning tool – straight smashes “berserker” -full retard – all out on it.

Use it as a way to improve wind.

Drop some weight which leads into something below…


santa claus is coming

Moments ago I was reading some posts from almost four years ago..

•overhead squats
•light deadlifts
•joy of lifting at home
•labor job

I just started picking up moving shifts again after 2½ years – so many things I’d said “never again” to then did again this year – I made the decision that working as a mover is better for me, this moment, than not to.

It’s easy money to me – I like the high activity, thrive on it in fact – and enjoy being on, the sometimes challenge of, piano jobs.

The work something I can hunker down at in the present – regrow my beard (from all the mandatory shaving clean – including tomorrow morning – all that never again I did this year), while easily able to move on from.

The pros outweighing cons, I realized it better for me to disregard saying never again as I had in the past.

So I’m at a moving company from my past again, possibly for only the three months it takes to regrow three months of beard.

We’ll see. It’s not a rigid thing.
I feel a certain level of freedom as a mover.


Today’s Lift :


Immediately after the Christmas Eve service.

It’s cool that 10×165 is baked in, cool to see walk around strength grow as time goes on.

I lift most days, just about every time I see a gap of time – that’s a nice aspect of having weights at home.

All I did was grab headphones (it completely slipped that I was starting without music again), gloves, skullcap, the whole thing taking 5:00 or less from start to finish and done.

My little black winter gloves have all sorts of worn “hobo holes”. My fingers almost triple dog dared stuck to the bar.


Diet Ideas :

•steak & milk
steak, potatoes, & milk
•steak, steak, & more steak
•salami or meatloaf sandwiches, then steak for dinner – milk with both meals, pizza when provided (the moving laborer plan)
•anything above with cruciferous vegetables

We’ll see if this round of moving labor causes me to lose weight or not.

It’s worthwhile to up protein a bit, so as to recomp regardless of scale – I’ve made this mistake in the past, and the extra protein is better for me from steak, salami, milk – fatty animal sources.

The last time I regularly drank whey only lasted for ten days to three weeks, it, alongside having started working in a kitchen, plus daily gym sessions was too fast a metabolism.

If I drink iced coffee at this job, and drink whey (even in milk), I’ll have to bump calories a bit to counteract this.

My first moving shift (the fourth time I’ve now said this) is in a few days.

I’m excited.


For the first time in awhile ground beef by the 10lb tube is well priced at walmart.

Noticing this the other day was part of what got me to the idea of meatloaf sandwiches regularly.

I’m already at “fuck it” in regards to always buying the $6/lb steak, which tastes GREAT with relish on top, was thinking of cooking it to medium, slicing into small pieces and bringing to work – eating cold out of tupperware.

It’s been more than a year with a significant amount of my calories being low quality restaurant food – the employee meal, the soda fountain, saving food waste.

Right now I don’t really care about having a food budget so long as I’m cooking it myself.

$10/day is a lb of steak and gallon of milk with a dollar and change for incidentals.

$21/day covers 3lbs steak and a gallon of milk with change for incidentals.

$15/day allows steak, milk, extra meat in other forms, and the incidentals.

It’s worthwhile to me to both eat more, eat more frequently, and move more.

With the occasional fasting day the above is healthiest most often.

Persistence & Tenacity