July 2021 Flow – 20 Rep Weighted Chin Ups :

Today I got a set of 20 weighted chin ups at bw+15 to start my session.

I was psyched to break into the 20 rep range weighted.

While I have to bring my dip belt in for weighted dips, I love the kettlebell(s) hooked to the foot/feet method for chin ups.

It lends itself to being done daily.
The logistics are simpler.

I do chins most every day, right now not doing them once every 5-10 days or so.

Basically I’ll hit an amrap set here and there throughout the session, one or two sets to start, and a set every so often for the rest of my gym floor time.

Noticably I end with the wrestler’s bridge the two out of three days I do them.

I’ve been sleeping lots and eating up, and there are regular questions about if I compete in powerlifting, bodybuilding, and strongman as of late.

Obviously what I’m doing is right.

Still eating dirty.
Still massacring volume.

I’ve been slowly adding in more and more leg work – to be more well rounded than “Captain UpperBody Man™”, still though I’m comically strong doing so at planet fitness – just jumping in with my buddy on seated row and leg press one limbed at whatever his work weight is.

The equipment goes a whole lot heavier that way, though I actually focus more on lighter feel the muscle type work doing sets of 15-35 to pump up and speed recovery from the heavy work, have been putting on traps via lots of sets of 10 on smith machine upright rows, and probably every third day stick mostly to my lazy sets of 7 across most exercises.

Lazy 7s.

For whatever reason sets of 7 are the easiest thing mentally for me.

Full body since I’m actually hitting legs again after months of facetiously saying “I don’t train legs”.

The pump from seated leg curl has felt particularly good.

I’m show stopper strong on hip thrusts, I expect to be maxing it out for sets of 50+.


Planet fitness is what you make of it.

Weighted flexed arm hangs would do me good on hand strength.

50 rep wrist curls to put on forearm size.

I’m at a spot where I can start moving towards one arm chins, and become the largest person I’ve come across to do one.

Until tommorow,

July 2021 Flow – View Planet Fitness As A Challenge :

View planet fitness as a challenge.

So much is online against the place, against the smith machine, and hell – I’ll tell you my initial thoughts about joining when I joined :

I joined knowing the dues would pay for itself on water bill savings showering up after work daily, that there’d be a dip bar and pullup bar – I could get good at calisthenics as at the time I was under 20 pullups, and having been about 7 months without a gym membership at that point I’d at least be able to catch pumps on the machines in addition to all the aforementioned.

Now I approach it wholly as a challenge.

Such as :

How can I make the smith machine work for me without barbell access.

I know adding plates is stronger, get to 3p+ on the upright rows, get to a lot of plates on the bottom position squats – yeah the same strength will be there on a barbell, higher even, as the smith machine is so wonky.

I’ve been getting good at weighted chin ups.

I’ve been doing upright rows/high pulls, bottom position squats, and hip thrusts in the smith machine.

I’ve been wrestler’s bridging regularly.

I make planet fitness work for me.

It’s all a matter of what you can come up with :

One arm presses with the cables is a trick, one leg at a time doubles the resistance on every machine.

You’ve got to want it.

There’s plenty to work with with the right mindset.

Persistence & Tenacity

7/28/21 & 7/29/21 – More Chin Up PRs :

7/28/21 :

Weighted Chins At 945pm:
7 x bw+60
2×10 @ bw+30

Chins At 11pm :
26 chins

In Between :

400 pushups, and a set of 15 on the machine curl at 155lbs.

Chins improve hugely by doing them weighted regularly.

After the 26 rep PR I continued with pushups passing 650 total on the day (yesterday was 700+), and doing probably eight sets of face pulls.

Solid session, a little over two hours total, lots of volume.

I thrive on volume. It worked for all the 70s bodybuilders, and it works for me.

Do massive volume and you’ll be muscular with the fat burnt off.

I consciously am focused on bringing up my back.

7/29/21 :

Weighted Chins :
2×15 @ bw+30
w/5:00 rest

I walked into the gym with the idea to hit 12+ at bw+30, to beat the 10 reps from yesterday, did it, then matched it after a roughly 5:00 rest with the kettlebell hooked to the opposite foot on the second set.

Treating weighted chins as if they’re bodyweight, and doing them high frequency is a physical cheat code for awesomeness.

The rest of the session was :
•smith machine hip thrusts
5x5p all done very explosively
•the majority of the ~150 total pushups,
•5×10 one arm seated row light •2×25 one arm hammer strength lat pulldown machine light
both done each side
•1×20 or 25 seated leg curl
•1×15 leg extension
both leg machines focusing on a good contraction, and feeling the muscle
•a small amount of the ~150 total pushups

I find the pump work effectively speeds recovery from heavy work, that why the extra back work, particularly the hammer strength lat pulldown machine – I love that machine for high reps, especially how it consolidates heavier back work into higher ability and more gains.

This was actually a light day in my eyes done about seven hours after a massive late lunch (about 230pm) of an entire large pizza with mexican soda on the side, dinner of a quart of coffee milk, and following a two hour muscle nap.

Post workout I ate again too, pasta and burger, drank milk and some more mexican soda – a high calorie day.

The last few days I’ve been catching up on sleep, and eating a good deal.

It’s funny all the chin PRs coming within a few days of rest, not that I take a day away from the gym lol

July 2021 Flow – He Looks Like A Different Person :

Late Evening, Gym

This asian college kid I’m friendly with, in addition to him some of his social circle was talking with me.

The conversation walked from the locker room to the parking lot where it continued for another 10 minutes or so.

The kid talking with me the most of the ones I had just met, he did introductions with me.

He says his name.
I look at him funny “what’s your last name”.

He tells me.

Small world, I remember him from his job at the grocery store, hadn’t seen him in a year, and knew his older brother.

I didn’t expect him to be the same kid at all.

Last summer he was 230.
Tonight he was 150.

That’s a big ass change, enough to not know that I’d met him before.

At 5’6″, 5’7″, 5’8″, you go from 230 to 150 and you’re a different person.

He told me he was losing weight for eight months.

I’m laughing about having no clue I’d met him before until he said his name.

I also find it kinda funny that his start and end bodyweights are 10lbs off of that smokeshow freckled brunette, an anecdote I’ve written up before.

The lesson here is an obese person loses a third of their mass, and they’re a whole new person.

That girl was a smokeshow.

He went from pudgy to an athletic build with a handsome face.

The obese are doing no favors to self in appearance being so.

Under the flab tends to be a good looking person.

They’ve just gotta make that come back.

7/27/21 Gym Dream :

I was out for a walk, oddly with me was this goofball slacker kid that did JROTC as well back in high school.

The dream may have been set senior year of the same, though at least one person in the dream would be very out of context in that time frame.

(A college chick, she wouldn’t be in high school too, somewhere in elementary school in real life at the time.)

Going from point a to point b, I came across this little park, mostly a sandpit with a couple pullup bars.

It was a combination of more than one outdoor pullup spot I’ve used over the years.

Figuring to not waste the opportunity to play on a new bar, I started doing pullups.

Something I wrote yesterday on the note of weighted pullups obviously was in my subconscious.

A lot from yesterday, the last week even, showed in this dream.

So I jump up for pullups.

PR in real life is 25 chins…

To start I hit 34 pullups.

The kid I knew from JROTC, he’s talking down my form, saying let’s get going, etc the entire time, lol – just like in high school he’s a PT slacker in the dream.


Ran into him at his job recently, he was griping to a teenage girl coworker how a JROTC instructor doesn’t recognize him.

I woke up laughing to have this kid basically as my sidekick in the dream, and laughed how running into the same instructor a week or so back he did recognize me, got my first name wrong and last name right – though I recognized the first name as that of a prior cadet he swore must be my cousin. I remember him asking me in high school if we were related, apparently very similar in both appearance and personality.

I never met the guy.

Back to the dream :

34 pullups in I wonder…can I do muscle ups?

Without dropping from the bar I start…

It ends up being either 20 or 22 muscle ups.

At 14 or 16 reps that kid distracted me, I slightly lost count, and wasn’t sure if I was at 14 or 16 reps, so I did 6 to be sure.

Definitely 20 reps.

Still hanging from the bar.

“16 more pullups makes 50” – I do them.

50 pullups and 20 muscle ups without dropping from the bar.

The dream performances are all in the realm of real life possible.

Persistence & Tenacity

P.S. I’ll be backfilling all the unpublished days.

The “Sumo Nap” For Bodybuilding :

I’m a firm believer in eating before you sleep.

You’ll find plenty of advice saying for the trainee to nap if at all possible, I say go a step further – copy the sumo world and eat before that nap (and/or before bed).

“Common knowledge” says you’ll get fat eating fat or carbs or whatever before you sleep.

Real world experience says you’ll process everything you take on more effectively as sleep is repair/recovery time, and nutrition is what you repair with.

Eat before you sleep.

It works well for me.

Persistence & Tenacity

July 2021 Flow – Muscular Development, Without Thinking, With Just Consistency :

I hit three sets of pushups near midnight in the bathroom.

That’s 15 sets or so on the day, close to 400 reps total.

This is prison style PT. I have the largest chest around because I’m at a nearly unbroken streak of pushups daily for half of my 27 years.

You can develop any body part in this manner, just do something for it everyday for a decade+.

Not rocket science, just discipline and effort – consistently.


I’d actually like a weighted vest or something (someone to stand on my back works), to start treating pushups as more than I truly weigh always, like I’ve been doing with weighted chins at bw+60 lately.

And always doing the calisthenic weighted leads to gains bro, it leads to serious gains.

July 2021 Flow – The Work Preceding If/When Back To Barbells :

I’ve been doing upright rows and anderson squats in the smith machine, rack pulls too.

Strength movements, squat, and pull – I don’t care to bench in the smith machine, I’d rather do weighted pushups, and the logistics aren’t the greatest for that right now.

Getting strong in the smith machine, I know my lifts will be up if/when I go back to barbells.

I’m making it work for me – dieseling up the muscles.

The upright rows are purposefully in disadvantageous positions…I’m thinking “power clean”.

The rack pulls all double overhand thinking “build the grip to match the rest, then get even stronger”.

Bottom position squats?

Nothing feels heavier. Logistically simpler to make challenging since there’s only enough plates for 1½ full smith machines, or one bar (the only one, it’s pf mind you, they removed the second) on the hammer strength leg press.

They feel fine on my knees, I start a bit above parallel, and am entirely okay with that.

Fuck the motherfucking powerlifts!

I’m making everything work for me. Make everything work for you.

Persistence & Tenacity

7/23/21 – An Outdoor Spot :

I punch out of work, and immediately drive to this spot – an outdoor pullup bar…

One good set, shirtless, get some sun on more than just my face, shins, and forearms.

15 reps, I could’ve went 17, pullups, I feel my rib cage expanding on the negatives.

I’m alive.

Eat dinner.
Nap. An hour or two.

About 150 pushups, a handful of weighted chin sets.

I love training.

Training For A 315lb Power Clean @ Planet Fitness :

I’ve found my immediate term strength goal :

To power clean 315 within six months training exclusively at planet fitness.

The smith machine serves it purpose, bottom position squats, and high pull/upright row/karwoski shrugs – be brutally strong in the smith, so much that you have the same levels of strength on a barbell.

Beat it…outside a barbell gym.

I am.