July 2021 Flow – 20 Rep Weighted Chin Ups :

Today I got a set of 20 weighted chin ups at bw+15 to start my session.

I was psyched to break into the 20 rep range weighted.

While I have to bring my dip belt in for weighted dips, I love the kettlebell(s) hooked to the foot/feet method for chin ups.

It lends itself to being done daily.
The logistics are simpler.

I do chins most every day, right now not doing them once every 5-10 days or so.

Basically I’ll hit an amrap set here and there throughout the session, one or two sets to start, and a set every so often for the rest of my gym floor time.

Noticably I end with the wrestler’s bridge the two out of three days I do them.

I’ve been sleeping lots and eating up, and there are regular questions about if I compete in powerlifting, bodybuilding, and strongman as of late.

Obviously what I’m doing is right.

Still eating dirty.
Still massacring volume.

I’ve been slowly adding in more and more leg work – to be more well rounded than “Captain UpperBody Man™”, still though I’m comically strong doing so at planet fitness – just jumping in with my buddy on seated row and leg press one limbed at whatever his work weight is.

The equipment goes a whole lot heavier that way, though I actually focus more on lighter feel the muscle type work doing sets of 15-35 to pump up and speed recovery from the heavy work, have been putting on traps via lots of sets of 10 on smith machine upright rows, and probably every third day stick mostly to my lazy sets of 7 across most exercises.

Lazy 7s.

For whatever reason sets of 7 are the easiest thing mentally for me.

Full body since I’m actually hitting legs again after months of facetiously saying “I don’t train legs”.

The pump from seated leg curl has felt particularly good.

I’m show stopper strong on hip thrusts, I expect to be maxing it out for sets of 50+.


Planet fitness is what you make of it.

Weighted flexed arm hangs would do me good on hand strength.

50 rep wrist curls to put on forearm size.

I’m at a spot where I can start moving towards one arm chins, and become the largest person I’ve come across to do one.

Until tommorow,