April 27, 2024 -“18ct Soccer Ball” :

At this time next year be monetized on youtube, making a living off it, while too having coaching clients (in person and/or online) and P&T merchandise – shirts in red and black, maybe badass frazetta style artwork on them.

The love shown you by strangers online – it’s an amazing thing.

I suggest everyone try it.
It may take awhile, but you’ll find your people.

The youtube algorithm suggested 80+ men’s masters track to me – pretty cool seeing three men over 80, one over 85 run 200m at 6:00/mile pace or faster, a second 85+ yo man run his at just under 6:15/mile pace.

Didn’t strike me as genetic freaks either, but was just a heat full of british blokes who care to stay healthy and physical.

I believe Vadim seen above is mid 60s.
Dude is damn strong, and has been uploading damn strong videos for a long time.

Still uploading them. Freak level kettlebell strength and assuming his videos are enough to go by…he’s gotten freaky strong by puttering around with a zillion kettlebells, rocks, etc – just playfully testing himself over a long period measured in decades.

I find it very inspirational.

(and actually watched him bottoms up press something heavier than I could even imagine pressing at the time – watched a video of two as a high schooler, then couldn’t find the channel again til recently)

And remember ; no man hits peak strength til his mid 30s at youngest!

I’ve seen on gym floors and at labor jobs far too many 50+ dudes impressively strong to think it even has to be that young.

We have “old man strength”, and “dad strength” in the lexicon for a reason.

Maybe with video game childhoods, overly nanny schools, lacks of bicycles, tree climbing, and hilarious but sadly “no footballs allowed on the playground” (yep one of the elementary schools I went to – no real pigskins, nerf only TWENTY YEARS AGO – I’ve no idea how bad it could be now).

See, the world is shit, but too the world can be heaven.

It’s in how you choose to view it, it’s in the actions you take, it’s in laughing when the world seems against you, and smiling in the moment while knowing and accepting that the ups/the highs can be temporary.


It’s in that late lunch/early dinner time frame, absolutely beautiful out, but I’m wearing a hoodie, sitting in the shade – reading (though this is technically typing).

I haven’t pressed yet today, and haven’t kicked the soccer ball yet.

It’s the 28th day of that, so I could go film it anytime now.

Honestly after a zillion minisessions last night I’m just feeling a lazy saturday.

I’ll still press.
I’ll still kick the soccer ball.

But honestly ; the press will likely just be a brief bottoms up session with the 16kg.

The soccer ball? I could end up getting into it and doing more than the five minute minimum.

Heck, the same applies to the kettlebell.

I’ve always been like that.

Even when I’m not too into the idea of doing whatever, generally I’ll end up getting into it and doing much more than the minimum as originally intended.

I like moving around.

I’m heavy set cause I’ll spend hours just sitting around, and have long eaten big and not clean.

It’s funny, but the whole world of pickup games, playing impromptu sports is something most stop doing after high school.

I remember at the end of high school, on my way to the weight room I’d see a group playing tackle football, and instead of just going to lift, I’d instead join that, get sixty or ninety minutes of sprint repeats and bruises THEN go lift afterwards as planned.

It’s strange that the only covid casualty in my life has been that four years ago in 2020 when everything shut down for three months (mid march to mid june) there was a large group that played ultimate frisbee in the park (I’m talking saturdays having five fifteen player sides, two games going, one team sitting on rotation – the midweek games often being like 5v5 to 12v12 much smaller)…

That group hasn’t played since.

It started with guys a handful of years older than me, in their late teens and early twenties when I was a middle schooler, partially from the youth group at the church I went to, mostly from another churches youth group, and they did this so consistently that five years later there were maybe fifty regular players – hundreds who played on occasion, all for this impromptu pickup game that traveled only by word of mouth “hey they play for about two hours 1-3 on saturdays, 4-6 on wednesdays – want to play ultimate frisbee”.

One buddy of mine in high school, never been to church in his life got big into it.

EVERYONE who wanted to join got in.
Plenty who just happened to be at the park for example.


The Workout :

BUC&P, 1h Swings, & Soccer Ball
5 x 5bucp + 5oasw/side total w/16kg
soccer ball in between each side
100 rep workout

five minutes in 18ct = PR, session was just under twenty minutes total – played a koorpiklaani album in headphones, did just some of everything basically – one of those “just get the workout in” type sessions that are worth their weight in gold – was stiff, now feel more human again lol – it’s gonna be cool using an adjustable and working the 50rm and sessions like this both from 16 to 32kg with easy 2kg progressions

I think swings are meant to be relatively light, whether one or two handed, seem to get more from them that way, but really they’re just a fitness multiplier to add to the bottoms up clean & press where grip is the limiter.

The swing allows you to do more, adds more glutes into the equation, adds different lat stimulus into the equation, but keeps grip from being the fitness limiter while truly being a wind trainer if/when you push.

Fun to mix both with one light bell and kick the soccer ball between sets of kettlebell – working out playfully, simply, and enjoyably.


15:00 walk – day three of going for a walk, definitely not a habit yet, this one I had to force myself to go do.

No “I already exercised” excuse, just get it in.

Walking is normal human locomotion – were supposed to do lots of it.

I don’t often.
So it’s get up, go!

If I’m gonna run a fast mile again some weight needs to come off, and going for a walk is the start of that.


Big dinner, only meal today – I’ve been aiming to one meal a day again, one pan – 1¼lbs of ground beef, a pack of ramen (threw in two flavor packets as there was an extra laying around), a bunch of instant mashed potatoes, fried that all up, then poured in a bunch of honey roasted peanuts for crunch.

“the sad bowl” lol – quite generic, definitely not spiced well or fancy, but it’s good enough nutrition.


Easy sets of 5 pushups tonight.


11pm hour, second meal after all – a leftover slice of pizza and a protein bar – I’ve done this a handful of times over the last month or so, just something off diet at some weird hour.

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