April 2022 Flow – DKB, Spring/Summer, & Training Mace + Sword Swings :


I might as well call them “deep knee bends” – they’re similar to hindu squats, but without bothering to do the arm row motion.

Instead I hold my arms in something of a boxer’s guard.

An old school name, for an old school movement, deep knee bends is the more proper term for what I’m doing – right now I’m loving the movement, it’s back to my roots of…LEGS EVERY DAY!

The other night I wrote a rough draft “the key to fitness is found in kushti”, I learned a lot studying traditional grappling from around the world, and right now my training is very heavily inspired by kushti.

While I’m lifting weights pretty infrequently, I do vanilla pushups every day with the volume creeping up, swing a tree branch like a mace every evening after work, and have started to train legs daily with deep knee bends as said and described above with some of the same made into “hack squats” as per recommendation of George Hackenschmidt by holding weight at the small of my back while trying to keep my torso as upright as possible while doing this deep knee bend.

I’m liking explosive sets of 6 on the hack squats – which feels somewhere between driving a sled and a vertical jump, right now with a 10lb dumbbell, easily scalable from here to 20lb kb or 25lb plate, then to empty bar, 35lb or 45lb plate.

(aside : the purchase of an ez curl bar would add to the outdoor dips nicely)

I intend to run this movement awhile, Hackenschmidt himself was said to have done so with 187lbs – this made out to be truly heavy, I’m curious, and besides – I feel training the movement will help with athleticism firstly, and with wind should I push the reps high enough.

Spring/Summer :

I’ve went six months without a gym membership, and definitely notice it’s getting nice out.

Some of my friends are now willing to train outside. I used to play ultimate frisbee in this large walk in group which I haven’t noticed playing since covid/2020, however pickup basketball is regularly enough possible, and on the micro scale (friends only) I could reinstate “the game”…

Ahh, “the game”, that’s what my buddy and I called it, sometimes tackle, sometimes two hand touch, punt and 20ish yd returns with a rugby ball – we’d play for hours, and never have I enjoyed cardio so much.

It was training, snuck in, it didn’t feel like training, as it was play.

This, “the game”, gave me a whole lot of jog, cut, and sprint volume, without being conscious of it being work.

We all could use more physical play, much more physical play.

Will I run? Mostly no, yet will I do short sprint repeats for hours? Yes, when it’s in a game.

Plus it’s able to be shirtless and barefoot in the sun.

Training Mace + Sword Swings :

Touched on above I swing that tree branch like a mace.

The thing is that six months of doing so every night after work has gotten me a whole lot stronger with it though I’m using the exact same implement.

Soon I may mold a little concrete on the end.

I can now swing it with a form that puts it into my biceps very well.

When I started I could only revolve it this way on my strong side.

A swing into something of a pullover was the form I used the most aside from the biceps one where I tried to get the pattern as close to the same as possible on both sides.

As time went on this happened, progressing to being able to match the pattern on each side.

I’ve started rotating it hard, then applying the “brakes” fast. This fires small upper/mid back musculature amazingly.

I’ve started wielding it like a sword, then lifting it in reverse back to start.

Simulating the heavy mace and heavy sword is a tremendous exercise in upper body strength.

Kushti inspired, after work – this outside, then inside there’s deep knee bends, vanilla pushups, and calf raises before showering up.

Am awesome zero financial dues program.

The world does supply improvised equipment, and with these odd objects and serious focused, mostly calisthenics – you will get gorilla strong.

Example :

you get here quite naturally from massive calisthenic reps – I need to get this on camera but with chick instead of dude for viral video

Persistence & Tenacity

4/25/22 Flow :

I did about 120 dips yesterday.

More than one set before you ask, 10s up til the final set which was an amrap of 36.

Aside from lots of pushups in the kitchen, some pushups in the parking lot at work (which amuses the waitresses to no end – silly girls), occasionally squeezing a gripper in my bedroom, and lifting in the yard at least once weekly…it was nice to get to those bars – still training outside, yet outside the confines of home/yard lol

Damn, when have I last played tennis!

I had a training partner too.
I hadn’t trained with any buddy in about five months.

I haven’t been huge into dips since the “dip odyssey” of now roughly three years ago.

2019-2022, it’s now been three years – damn

I don’t own a dip bar, I probably should – install one, reboot the “dip odyssey”

I’d forgotten how well I feel my lats from them. In my experience they don’t carry over one bit to pullups, but they’re still the highest lat muscular activation I get.

Oft called the “upper body squat”, I don’t disagree.

300+ a day was a game changer for EVERYTHING

For six months now I’ve been lifting a barbell outside, at “The Cold Air Barbell Club”, as known by name to family, friends, coworkers.

While I’ve felt that good gyms should have a name traditionally stylized in such patterns as “Last Name’s Gym”, “City/Location Name’s Barbell [ or Wrestling 🙂 ] Club”, etc, and what have you…

As a humorous (inside?) joke to myself “The Cold Air Barbell Club” would work for name, an apt choice the day I open my own facility.

Such a name alone likely shall suffice to keep the wimps, wusses, sissies, freaks, doofuses, and other such undesirable elements – those unwanted on a good gym floor OUT!

bro you’re welcome here

It’s 4am. I reintroduced caffeine into my system around 1am. This choice resulted in this typing, this not being asleep, and this mental state of euphoria.

I started typing intending to say this ; a 135lbs barbell feels like a toothpick in hand now, I don’t clean it any longer, it essentially shoulders itself – all the purposefully ugly shoulderings (ugly ass muscle clean) like power cleans have their use I shall say, and then I press many reps.

You put on shoulders very quickly with this program :

•floor (technically ground for me, myself, and I as outside = dirt not flooring of man made sort)
•press, press, press, and press some more

And a bent row with a rounded upper back is working amazingly for me right now.

This is only a hop, skip, and a jump from what I already know :

You forget and relearn a lot about working out when you do so for long enough.

The key is to always do something (working out) always and forever


Persistence & Tenacity

4/18/22 – The Sig Klein Challenge – Success @ A Hotel Gym :

“My First Successful Sig Klein Challenge”

Setting :
4/18/22 – 1020pm – Hotel Gym w/A Pair Of 75s

Upon arriving at the hotel (7pm ish) I did two sets about 20 minutes apart, 9 reps which had some left in the tank (my phone and therefore camera wasn’t on me – I decided not to hit 12+ here, reps were left in the tank), and 7 reps which was fairly hard, it felt due to slick grip.

With some lobby coffee in hand I told my uncle if I hit 12 reps going back to do so on camera late night ;

1. that I’d shoot off a text to one gym chick or another (that I hadn’t seen in around a year, nor hadn’t deleted the number lol – maybe this counts as motivation by girl)

2. I’d have video worthy of uploading


1020pm – “Three Hours Later” (say in SpongeBob announcer voice) :

Yeah, hang cleans.
Outside the legs even – because, well, I can.


6 months without a gym membership, The Cold Air Barbell Club (yard barbell – truly has) carried over.

A week or so back I was getting a bit of reps c&p, floor to overhead each rep, w/185lbs.

That told me I’d gotten better at all encompassing floor to overhead reps.

I’ve long likened a 185lb barbell press to similar in strength to pressing a pair of 75lb dumbbells.

The Cold Air Barbell Club – I’d actually lifted there earlier, 4pm or so, before the drive to the hotel.

Upon completion of the set I spoke briefly with the fit (5’10” 160lb) latino off camera to my left.

(The next night the same dude gave me a thumbs up, minutes later I ended up basically maxing the cable machine on one arm shoulder presses (maxed the stack left arm, half rep right arm- in a way it seems that I’m supposed to be ambidextrous))

You can barely hear the music he had running, which he turned off upon my entering, to which I told him it was fine to keep on – I made no comment about my not being the gym police hehehe, it simply doesn’t bother me for people to have something playing out loud at the gym – he was thankful, we both were polite to each other – I make gym floors wherever I go.


I think he was bugging out how I walked in, grabbed the 75s, did my thing (one set), spoke a few sentences while gassed (out of breath – wrestler slang that few seem to know), then left.

In and out, in about two minutes.

I was quietly amped, committed to the set’s completion on camera as I left the room and walked to the gym my phone in pocket.

I told the guy in there of the Sig Klein challenge, how this set (and video) had been years in the making – I laughed and shared how it came after six months no gym.

He looked mind boggled at that.

Back to the room, my uncle asked “12? Did you get 12?”. He was impressed, I showed him the video.

(Then again walking in the woods the next day :)- )

The 9 reps upon arrival was a PR.
It could’ve been completion of the challenge.

The 12 reps on camera is a PR, and is FINALLY having a Sig Klein challenge success on camera.

The Cold Air Barbell Club hours earlier in the day had probably primed me.

The dumbbell c&p made easier by having been primed with barbell presses, jerks, cheat curls, and deadlifts.

If it’s worth doing it’s worth doing no warmup.
That’s honest ability.

An hour prior I had eaten an entire large pizza, a few meats with pineapple and onion.

The lobby coffee adulterated with swiss miss powder and flavored creamer at 715 ish plus that 915pm ish pizza were what I ate on the day.

The hotel room ac is set low.

I’m laying on a towel having taken a nice contrast shower.

Those 12 reps, completing the Sig Klein challenge have me on cloud 9.

CLOUD 9 !!!

I texted this off to a couple of my old training partners.

1145pm – another 50 pushups, completing 300 pushups on the day.

Rare that I do under 200 lately.

I do quite well on infrequent/whenever barbell lifts outside in any weather, alongside a daily pushup habit.

It’s not difficult to be strong & jacked – do what you can with what you have ever you are.


Persistence & Tenacity

4/8/22 @ The Cold? Air Barbell Club – I’ve Heard Of The “Isabel” WOD :

14×135 in 2:00
15×135 in 2:00

A couple of days ago I heard of the Isabel WOD, snatching 135lbs for 30 reps for time, and a quick search says “beat 2:11” to be high level.

I decided to try out periods of 2:00.

This may be the main lift for awhile “2:00 density snatching”

The first set felt harder than the second set which I think I conserved energy better on – both had around 1:00 of rest, 30 reps will be a cinch as a sprint.

People have done this in about 1:00 unbroken.

The thing is a new challenge.