7/27/21 Gym Dream :

I was out for a walk, oddly with me was this goofball slacker kid that did JROTC as well back in high school.

The dream may have been set senior year of the same, though at least one person in the dream would be very out of context in that time frame.

(A college chick, she wouldn’t be in high school too, somewhere in elementary school in real life at the time.)

Going from point a to point b, I came across this little park, mostly a sandpit with a couple pullup bars.

It was a combination of more than one outdoor pullup spot I’ve used over the years.

Figuring to not waste the opportunity to play on a new bar, I started doing pullups.

Something I wrote yesterday on the note of weighted pullups obviously was in my subconscious.

A lot from yesterday, the last week even, showed in this dream.

So I jump up for pullups.

PR in real life is 25 chins…

To start I hit 34 pullups.

The kid I knew from JROTC, he’s talking down my form, saying let’s get going, etc the entire time, lol – just like in high school he’s a PT slacker in the dream.


Ran into him at his job recently, he was griping to a teenage girl coworker how a JROTC instructor doesn’t recognize him.

I woke up laughing to have this kid basically as my sidekick in the dream, and laughed how running into the same instructor a week or so back he did recognize me, got my first name wrong and last name right – though I recognized the first name as that of a prior cadet he swore must be my cousin. I remember him asking me in high school if we were related, apparently very similar in both appearance and personality.

I never met the guy.

Back to the dream :

34 pullups in I wonder…can I do muscle ups?

Without dropping from the bar I start…

It ends up being either 20 or 22 muscle ups.

At 14 or 16 reps that kid distracted me, I slightly lost count, and wasn’t sure if I was at 14 or 16 reps, so I did 6 to be sure.

Definitely 20 reps.

Still hanging from the bar.

“16 more pullups makes 50” – I do them.

50 pullups and 20 muscle ups without dropping from the bar.

The dream performances are all in the realm of real life possible.

Persistence & Tenacity

P.S. I’ll be backfilling all the unpublished days.