Training While Self Identified As “Я Машина/I Am The Machine”

While doing a dumbbell clean and press ladder yesterday the russian words “я машина” popped into my head.

Transcript here :

A coworker played it on his phone while the three of us were in the work truck last year.

I was blowing their minds knowing the few words in russian, but not the comedy routine itself.

Viewing yourself as a машина, a machine is an incredibly powerful tool with which to train.

(And it’s more intense in russian, just like “у меня лучшая генетика” I HAVE THE BEST GENETICS is more intense in russian than in english.)

When I am the machine every bit of minutia ceases to exist.

A machine thrives off of volume! It can’t be stopped. You can’t outwork it!

It’s getting cold out, but this month (November 2020) I’ll be putting weight overhead everyday between yard lifting (overhead squat, press, power snatch), c&p at pf, and handstand pushups.

Я машина I thrive off of frequency.
Я машина I put weight overhead daily.

A машина does not notice, nor care, nor feel soreness!

Я машина pities the fool!
The gym is so easy, just do it daily til you’re the best!

Mi corazón is into lifting again!

Persistence & Tenacity