“She Looks Like A Very Happy Person”

Negativity, negativity, blah blah blah. My day got better, it’s all in the mind. It’s not like life is bad.

The truth.

To illustrate :

As I was driving I slowed down, seeing from a distance what looked like an Amish women standing on the side of the road looking to cross.

I slow down, do the waving you across motion to her. The landscaping truck going the other way seeing me stop also stops…

It’s not an Amish girl (probably Mennonite regionally if we’re to be accurate), it’s a nun. Kinda similar attire. Not ancient by a mile, probably mid 30s, but looked younger because…

This principle at play. But normal looking with an honest smile.

She smiled and I thought instantaneously “she looks like a very happy person” then “there’s truth to good thoughts showing through on your body*”

*body, face, your entire physique, vibe, aura, carriage, posture, and what have you – your very being.

Noteworthy, at three separate crosswalks everyone acknowledged that I stopped :
•high school guy nodded and threw a peace sign in acknowledgement (I walked away unscathed having been hit by a car at this very crosswalk – that’s a story in and of itself)
•early 30s redhead smiled and waved then continued running at a decent run, not jog pace
•nun in crummy part of town, smiles like a beam of sunlight, hand raised in acknowledgement.

There’s truth in your thoughts will show through.

Think good thoughts, not only are you, but the world is better for it.

The car and crosswalks kicked me back into a good proper mood.

I had a couple good conversations after, pet some friendly pitbulls, and was offered some yard grown fruit, which I gladly accepted. You can’t turn down homegrown fruit. Even went for a walk.
