40 Days – Have You Tried Not Masturbating?

40 Days – Have You Tried Not Masturbating :

Have you tried not masturbating?

I’ve went 40 days, almost edging too far twice, and my body ridding itself of some ejaculate as I took a shit twice, once just over three weeks in, and on day 40 (where I almost edged too far).

The ancients were right to be strongly against masturbation.

Having implemented this behavioral change I’ve learned some things.

Firstly clinging to your wanker status clouds you to the negatives of what is truly a negative addictive behavior.

It’s not just porn that clouds life, so does masturbation.

You see more opportunity, more beauty without both.

Participating in one or the other really brings a haze over life, and you won’t see it till you’re honest with yourself, and then moreso once you’ve went three weeks or longer without them.

I’ve been porn free for more than a year, yesterday was 40 days without jerking off, the longest as far as I know I’ve went since I first jerked off a bit over a decade ago.

Summer 2019 I went a bit more than 30 days on more than one occasion, and frankly magic was happening.

I’ve chosen, just like I’m porn free for life to be done with jerking off entirely.

Deciding 40 days to be the write up landmark as per biblical connotation.

I’m no wanker.
Not anymore.

16-26 (just under 10½ years)
Did that shit for far too long.
I’ve grown up past it.

Where I’m different than most young men is : I don’t care all that much whether I am getting laid or not.

However, either way, I sure as hell am not wasting my seed getting off with my own hand.

Both watching porn and wanking, together or separately, are to the subconscious an admission of “not good enough for women”.

You get two big steps up in vibe, posture, charisma, eye contact, confidence ;

Huge all around confidence boosts from masculinity as intended by not doing either.

Testosterone issues or dick not working right?

Stop jerking off to porn.

No self confidence, no self worth?

Stop jerking off and do better things with your time than watch porn.

These two things can be and are for many step 1 in building masculinity 101.

You’re a Man without them.

Interestingly enough free of both not only is your charisma and confidence much higher, you are more easily turned on, have more of a happy contentment, and are able as said above able to see more beauty in the world.

This applies to everything from noticing nature that you used to ignore, to seemingly having ridiculously high appearance standards evaporate.

More “plain Jane” types will become attractive enough in some way in your eyes, you can see past the physical flaws for the physical features.

Every teenage boy jerking off for the first time is trading momentary pleasure for lengthy period of pain.

Having started I missed out on a lot.

Without wanking I’d likely be married to the petite freckled blonde from english class, have a bunch of kids, and be active duty military right now.

I clouded opportunity.

Masturbation was a huge reoccurring act of self harm when I reflect honestly upon my mistakes.

I’m glad now to have the freedom that comes with my oath to self.

I see/feel/perceive hope, opportunity, a happy future.

Notably 40 days has been long enough to have minimized the urge to the point I laugh at it, knowing there will always be a woman in my life when getting off is truly necessary.

Brother, if you’re in it, I’m pulling for you. I pray God assist you on your path of becoming masculinity as intended.

Persistence & Tenacity