The Winter Air Oly Manifesto :

If you have a barbell and plates you can do the olympic lifts.

No bumper plates necessary, you do like they did before bumpers…always lowering the bar under control.

Never drop the bar.

You teach yourself form.

Weightlifting Form Simplified :

•Knees and elbows in alignment, shoulders in front of bar to start.

•Pull out the slack. You’re primed.

•Slowly deadlift to around knee height, then jump & shrug as hard as possible.

•Dip/Dive & Catch

•Use Power Variants


The best training effect comes from reps done from the deadhang.

The bar stopped, paused completely at jump & shrug height.
Then you jump & shrug. Hard.

Pull with all you’ve got.

That’s brute force acceleration.

Don’t lower the weight down at the hang preloading yourself with added momentum before the jump and shrug.

Do reps from the deadhang for the majority of your training.

Use normal reps without pause for maxes.

Any shoe will work. I don’t own weightlifting shoes.

Work boots are the blue collar oly shoe.

Lately I’ve worn beat up sneakers.

My flexibility has improved. I don’t need the work boot’s heel to comfortably overhead squat.

You don’t need a $1000 Eleiko bar.

The bar I lift with is sturdy, not a name brand, though a decent all purpose bar. I paid around $150 for it as a teenager.

I bought nice, but generic.
Functional. Affordable.

I’ll pass this barbell down to the next generation.

You don’t need to go for max weights every time, or often for that matter.

A light to moderate weight will give a good training effect, especially from the deadhang.

I power clean and power snatch, sometimes from the deadhang, but the two are really ways to press and overhead squat for reps.

Occasionally I deadhang one arm snatch light or do a javelin press.

Nor is there anything wrong with emulating girevoy sport with your barbell.

High rep barbell jerks are a great builder of ability.

At my own cold air barbell club I train by my own rules.

Training by your own rules – that’s the training philosophy to live by.

And since I want it, I get it, training outdoors in the winter.

The fresh air is phenomenal.

Persistence & Tenacity