The Sun Is Poison?

Slathering on the white goo, I hated the feeling of it in my youth.

Instinctively I knew what my mom was forcing me to apply is a carcinogenic.

I could sense the poisonous properties while slathering it on.

It strikes me that throughout my entire life people have been convinced that the sun is poison.

If the sun is so bad :

•Firstly why is every attractive chick obsessed with tanning and the beach?

•Secondly why does as much sun as possible without passing the burn line feel so good?

•Thirdly amongst men have you noticed that the more tanned (racially specific) often are the higher testosterone individuals?

Vitamin D is steroidal. It ramps up hormone production.

I love my bike rides shirtless.
An elderly neighbor tells me with my red beard I shouldn’t expose myself so much to the sun, yet the best I have ever felt physically was the last time I was in California getting a bunch of sun, far more than I would’ve in New England being it was fall, via the beach daily, and being surrounded by attractive women (another topic in of itself).

So much on health is intuitive. As you mature the falsities are easily seen.

Do you trust what you’re told, or what you intuit?

As long as you’re not getting burned, I say get as much sunlight as possible.

You’ll be better for it.
