Always Cold Showers

A plains tribe would camp riverside whenever possible, so as to be able to twice a day, year round, be able to jump in upon waking, and before retiring.

Living riverside I would do the same, never showering again.

Most people only take hot showers, whereas if I’m at home I only use cold water, and if I’m at the gym I’ll sometimes do a hot/cold contrast shower, but mostly straight cold.

The other day I had it set on warm mistakenly as it was coming out cold I hadn’t noticed where it was set at.

It got what I’d call on the higher end of warm, and it took me maybe 60 seconds to realize “this is hot, it doesn’t feel good”, realize what I’d done, and turn it down.

During that short run of hot water I was struck by the thought “hot water showering is poison”.

Hot water doesn’t make me feel alive, while cold water does.

The hot water takes away vim and vigor, while cold water builds vitality.

This is one of many things easily seen to rob vitality from what is considered normal.

The inability so many have to deal with cold water is solely because they don’t spend a full ten seconds with the cold directly hitting their chest, upper back, or head/face to start.

It’s “too cold” for 10 seconds tops, then it becomes revitalizing.

You have the privilege to shower, but coddle yourself with warm/hot water, when the gold is using cold.

Persistence & Tenacity