Low Calories Of The Right Nutrition

I’ve started doing raw egg shakes again.

4 of the last 5 days I’ve done it in some variation. Using chocolate milk as flavor instead of ice cream, and starting to go heavy on the heavy cream.

My calories aren’t very high.

That’s fine, as the nutrition is.

I’m coming to realize that you don’t need terribly high calories when you’re taking in plenty of nutrition.

With the right foods, massive calories just aren’t all that necessary.

Drinking a few raw eggs a day punches well above it’s caloric weight in anabolic effect.

Drinking eggs, milk, and heavy cream is the simplest and quickest way to get in calories in existence.

It also is all the nutrition you’d ever need, in drink form.

To bulk : eggs, milk, and cream, plus other food.

To cut : eggs alone, or eggs and cream, in addition nothing is less expensive than just eggs.

You’re looking at 10ยข an egg, less on sale.

Fat is filling, good luck pulling off 5000 calorie a day keto.

3 dozen eggs comes to about 2400 calories of straight up keto, plenty of fat and protein.

Everything I’ve ever seen on it leads me to believe that without exception everyone gets muscular on Vince Gironda’s 3 dozen eggs a day with meat diet.

I don’t think it’s being facetious when it’s compared to a smaller steroid cycle.

Just the anger alone from having to swallow that many snail like yokes will do it.

I’m undecided whether I’ll ramp up drinking eggs up to 36 a day.

Right now I’m doing 6 a day.
I can see myself going to 12, then to 18 and from there deciding where I’ll go from there.

Three “squares” of 6 egg shakes.
That’s probably not what the food pyramid intended. But it’s easy as hell to pull off.

With nutrition primarily being raw eggs, I can’t see the body doing anything other than holding onto every oz of muscle, on a low calorie cut.

18 eggs would be 1200 calories, 100g protein, with any physical training, and the right mindset it’d work.

Eggs, burpees, and machine bodybuilding.

Persistence & Tenacity