Don’t Drop The Weights!

Lifting, something supposedly tough, is very coddled.

Too used to bumper plates, there are actually people out there who think you can’t weightlift/do olys without bumper plates!

I recall Bill Starr writing that at weightlifting meets you can tell who lifts on their own equipment as they’d place the bar down under control, not just dropping the bar.

Density training 50/20 (ala Bryce Lane) power cleans is full as hell with bumper plates, full drop, and no negative…

But, you’d be best served treating your olys in this manner :

•Every lift from the dead hang.
•Set lightly on floor to end the set.

Will your weights and/or space hold up to dropping?

Why even test that? Lift old school!

Never test it.

You’ll be far stronger for it.

Do you know how easy a power clean from the floor with jerk dropped from the top is when you’re used to a power clean from the dead hang, military press, negative to the shoulder, drop and catch at the hip, and lightly placing it down?

Train hard. Compete easy.

Don’t let your gym time be as soft as the rest of life.

Persistence & Tenacity