May 2021 Flow – The Potential To Be Muscular Is In Everyone :

The potential is in everyone to be muscular.

Dude on the elliptical with titties ain’t living up to his potential!

Genetics as an argument, a reason, is a farce.

Good enough genetics are in everyone.

Mommy and daddy made you – the bloodline only a generation back therefore was quality enough to reproduce and create your ass.

Maybe your fat ass needs to get outside, get a physical job, and have gym time.

That’s the adult path for making up for an indoor childhood when the kid who was well muscled early in high school had spent the same preceding YEARS outside doing stuff.

It’s amazing how childhood physical activity leads to your best body parts in adulthood.

Sensei making me do pushups guaranteed I’d have a big chest.

My buddy did a lot of skating – hockey in the winter, roller blading in the summer, he skated year round – big thighs, big glutes.

All the childhood gymnasts tend to be ripped adults.

So all these dudes showing “good genetics” by middle school, high school, and/or college – they already put in the work…they did so before you!

There is no escaping it – you’ve gotta put in the work.

Spending middle school at a playstation 2 was a mistake.

How I ran bases with wreckless abandon during the same was a base – I ended up fast with a good broad jump.

Pushups at 14?
Oh man what a pressing ability I have from that.

I do pushups consistently.

Maybe it’s not the fastest way to strong pressing, but the consistent volume, and the consistency over years does it nonetheless.

With how little many are willing to do in their training I’ve concluded they just don’t like the gym.

When you like it you don’t need ideal.

I train volume cause I enjoy doing so.

Our realities are what we accept as such.

I tell myself “Я машина” – I’m a machine.

I tell myself “У меня лучшая генетика” – I have the best genetics.

Tell yourself powerful, empowering mantras, and hold beliefs in the same.

A relative grew up with a guy who ended up a career navy seal.

The seal would tell him when you think the body has reached it’s limit, the true limit is 100x further, that you can push as far as you think you can.

Dude did morning distance work, afternoon practice, and lifted in the evenings.

The true limit is at least 100x further – I run with this belief in my training.

I don’t have accepted limits.

I enjoy proving people’s limits aimed at me wrong.

I expect high physical performance, to me it’s a given.

Fuck! It’s average to watch four hours of television a day.

Use that average time differently.
Be a different average.

You CAN spend it in the gym instead!

Time is used regardless.

The time goes by however you use it.

Expect more. Do more. Live!

Life is too short to not make the most of it.

Fuck having limits, there’s a whole wide world to explore and greatness to participate in!

Persistence & Tenacity

May 2021 Flow – Purposeful Posture w/ Dumbbells :

After having done my daily db c&p, before racking the bells I hold them for a long count.

Yeah, this is a grip exercise, but that’s simply a side effect, it’s not the focus.

I’m letting my traps stretch, I’m sure that’ll cause growth.

I’m standing as perfectly upright as possible.

Head up, head back, chest emphasized.

Man I’m a big dude!
Man I look good!

You should pay more attention to posture.

That’s 100% across the board for all – everyone.

Pay more attention to posture.

I believe one could do nothing but a few minutes a day on posture focused exercise, and thrive physically.

Perfect posture will muscle you up.

Persistence & Tenacity

5/28/21 – 20 Chins & Rotating Grips :

Today I did 20 chins for the first time (as the sets of 20-22 reps had all been pullups in the last few weeks), on very low calories, after a pretty long day.

I like how my ability is baked in always at 15+ reps.

The other day training in something of a testosterone challenge I told the dude “I don’t care the grip, use whatever – I don’t specify grip from person to person”, and expanded on how I’ll do one grip variation (pullup/chin/neutral grip) until I’m psychologically sick of it, change the grip, and repeat.

Sometimes grip is varied by feel, but usually it’s dictated by psychological desire to drop the movement entirely.

I keep interest by switching grips when this is my state of mind.

A few weeks ago I was exclusively doing pullups.

Right now it’s chin ups.

I’m doing some daily.

At first it was 17 or 18, now it’s 20 chins.

The PRs keep climbing.

I fully expect higher reps to keep coming.

Persistence & Tenacity

May 2021 Flow – Own What You Say/Own Your Programming :

One buddy, a training partner, sometimes he’ll wear a weight vest, ankle, and wrist weights for hours.

He was saying that this will make him stronger and faster, but then with a change in tone of voice added “theoretically”.

I said to him, “you just lost it there bro, you believed in it – therefore it works, then you negated all that with doubt.”

You can train however you want.

There is no goofy program.
There is no perfect program…in the way most think.

However there IS a perfect program for everyone.

It has two ingredients, simple, and readily available :

1. You’ll do it consistently.
2. You believe it works.

That’s it.

Train only your right glute, left pec, left calf, and right pinky finger if that’s what fits the mandatory criteria for you.

The hell with what others think about your programming, it’s your’s, not their’s.

They have their’s. You have your’s.

Programming is the simplest of things.


Persistence & Tenacity

May 2021 Flow – Overhead Squat Intensity Multipliers :

On the final rep I count to 100 while atg, it’s probably 15 seconds, at parallel again I count to 100, again probably 15 seconds.

Counting is always fast under load.

At the top I squeeze as hard as possible to…you guessed it, a 100ct, probably 15 seconds.

You may see stars by the end of this, as it’s the 10th set, while the intensity multipliers make the last the best set – the one with the most effort in.

I even do the most reps in that final set.

You don’t need much bar weight, nor much weight on the dowel when you’re improvising.

It’s my giant set finisher :

•db c&p
•overhead squats

I love it.

I have so much further to go, and the topper?

To end I’ve gotta get those bells back to the rack.

Lots of time under tension makes me a strong man.

I’m very very strong, and I’m getting lean.

Persistence & Tenacity

5/25/21 Gym Dream & Gym :

Gym Dream :

This time it was chin ups, I got into flow state, and did past 50 reps.

Nearing 20 I zoned out of “reality”, and into flow telling myself “effort and ability is all perceived” and instead of failing around 20 kept going with true ability.

I believe it was failing the 78th or 79th rep.

It took me hours to realize that I’d dreamt it.

It felt real. A couple dudes I train with were around witnessing it…in the dream.

I believe in human potential.

I can get to these pullup rep counts.
I’ve done in the 20s, even under fatigue I’m getting baked in in the high teen rep counts.

It’s possible.

Gym :

Was that 8 or 10 reps?

I did db c&p from the hang, Sig Klein challenge is close, very close.

I like from the hang. Very brute force, I get forearm pumps from it.

Most gyms will have at least one 150lb dumbbell, I seated rowed 7×140 each hand.

Chins? Best set was 17 or 18 reps, that was later in the session.

I started the session with weighted chins getting 5 reps at bw+45 on the fourth set of five, going 3,3,3,5,4.

I do mostly back work, db c&p, some overhead squats, and some pushups.

It’s working for me.

May 2021 Flow – If You Wanna Be Big You’ve Gotta Eat :

If you wanna be big you’ve gotta eat.

5000 calories is a standby, and even that’s not particularly high calorie.

What you do for training, the specifics don’t matter much, as long as you eat.

You may require 7000 or 8000 calories for a period.

So be it.

For three to three and a half months at 17 years old I drank 10-12 gallons of milk a week, the better part of a frozen pizza most days, a bunch of breaded chicken and ground beef, plus whatever meals my mom made – ALL OF THEM, and some days another meal (or two) at my aunt’s.

I’ve run numbers – I was at 7500+ calories daily during that period.

It was about four eating periods each day, not meals, eating periods.

On more than one occasion I’d have a meal at my aunt’s, go home, eat something I made, then eat what my mom was making all in a period of about an hour.

My mom would wonder if something was wrong if I only had one serving of something.

You want to be big – put down 5000 or more calories daily.

It’s pretty simple, especially when the food sources are not clean, but still getting enough nutrition.

A gallon of milk and a frozen pizza gets you near to 5000 calories for about seven bucks.

2400 calories of top ramen is about $1, $1.50.

Ground beef is a standby.

It’s not expensive, nor challenging to get down this much.

Dinner the other night was 1lb of 80/20 ground beef, with two packs of ramen, some corn and peas thrown in by eye ball, and probably 8-10oz of shredded cheese in a stir fry.

It’s not much when you can put down some food.

Feast and you won’t be small.

You’ve gotta eat enough to be the size you want.

5000 calories to me is about maintenance.

I’ve done it for so long. 5000 only sounds big if you eat like a pigeon.

A lot of dudes do!

The teenager making a point to have a scoop of two of chocolate whey post workout?

He’d be better off with a cooler of food, a fast food run, or anything with some protein and far more calories.

You may laugh, but a stack of pb&js with a quart or half gallon of milk is really a better choice for someone wanting to get bigger.

Frozen pizza works for bulk, and is decent on a budget.

You couldn’t outspend even the lowest of food budgets crock potting loads of chicken thigh or leg quarters as your primary bulk food.

The quality of food in 2021 may not be that of my grandfather’s as a young man, but the sheer quantity means it’s a whole lot more common for people to build bulk now.

My grandfather got big for high school football on an extra dozen eggs, cantaloupe, loaf of bread, and a bunch of milk each day in addition to the provided meals.

I got to put a frozen pizza in the oven, breaded chicken in the microwave, and take gallon after gallon of milk out of the fridge.

My grandfather had to put in more effort to get past 220 than I did.

The readily available-ness of food is hugely in my favor.

That’s how obesity exists.

You can’t gain muscular bodyweight?

The 400lber at walmart sure ain’t struggling to be that size.

Eat more!

May 2021 Flow – Some Current Supersets :

Some Current Supersets :

•db c&p
•overhead squats

•seated row

•seated row

•overhead squats

•db c&p
•seated row


The above are all examples of supersets I’ve been doing lately.

I could add a kettlebell swing in anywhere additionally.

Supersets are great.

In addition to the cardio and fat burning effect, you get a freakish strength when you’ve reached a high enough level of performance in each exercise during every set.

Thinking low reps is the only way to be/get strong is a farce.

Any rep range will do, and strong at a fast pace means you’re even stronger when you train for it and take long rests.

From general fitness, bodybuilding, and just being freakish standpoint supersets are better than actually taking rests.

Stop the limitations, lose the inhibitions.

Very strong while supersetting is very strong. I’m getting into my Cardio Calisthenics™ territory again while using pf’s equipment in addition.

I’ve seen some very impressive supersets. Mental toughness, your self talk plays in. Go hard. Don’t suck.

Persistence & Tenacity

May 2021 Flow – Heaving Dumbbells To The Shoulders :

Oftentimes I try to have form be as ugly as possible, to use what my old track coach described as “retarded caveman heave” instead of a clean.

Dumbbells are perfect for this, to the point I now consider joining a second gym for heavy dumbbell access.

I know I’m good for 100s, and envision myself heaving and pressing a pair of 150s strict.

I’m coming to love the dumbbell clean and press.

It’s one of those if I knew then what I knew now things – I’d have focused on them as a high schooler.

Alongside overhead squats.

I learn a lot training at planet fitness.

Too many bells and whistles distract.

If your access is somewhat limited you get really good at making it work, enjoy it in the moment, and all the while still filing away the lessons.

The time will come.

When I have heavy dumbbell access I’ll be going for heavier and heavier PRs there.

I’ve found I like holding the lockout for a long count, drop the bells to the hang, then hold that for a long count focusing on standing straight with perfect posture.

You could do that as something of a dumbbell complex and be set.

Most don’t think about training posture, and this is that mixed with gym style farm boy strong 101.

Especially when you’re getting the 75s to the shoulders nearly from a dead hang, standing straight/at attention, bells outside the body.

Though it may appear as if I’m the lumbering Sasquatch with dumbbells in hand.

I’ve even started using db c&p as a superset exercise.

You get very strong when you’re supersetting.

Persistence & Tenacity

May 2021 Flow – Back Work > Leg Work For Mass :

Most would say that leg work is the most important to train for building mass.

Don’t sleep on the back work!

It’s the strength of a man’s back that determines his rugged physicality.

The legs will always have to support you, and will be firing statically for a lot of back work.

Back work will carry the legs.

Bulk ain’t gonna allow for stork stilts underneath you!

And you’re not going to get better at chin ups with back squats!

(Though I can see overhead squats doing so.)

You want to be big?

Go to planet fitness and marry the seated row, with extramarital relations to chins, pullups, and db c&p.

I add in smith btn press – which I feel as a rib cage expander, and it doesn’t matter that I do only 10% of the leg work I’d be doing if I was at a barbell gym with the right vibe running bulgarian squat every day.

Legs are covered with the carryover from back work (seated row, db c&p), and occasional periods running daily overhead squats.

Superset Everything :

•db c&p w/seated row
•db c&p w/chins or pullups
•seated row w/chins or pullups

These are SUPER sets!

You get very strong doing so.

I’m at the point where chins/pullups are an endurance exercise, am repping the stack on seated row, a bit lighter for very high reps, and am working my way to the stack one handed.

I’m thriving on lots of volume.

I can press past a pair of 100s.
The 75s are comically light.

The Sig Klein challenge is soon.

I make pf work!

In this moment with a focus on back and shoulders.