May 2021 Flow – Some Current Supersets :

Some Current Supersets :

•db c&p
•overhead squats

•seated row

•seated row

•overhead squats

•db c&p
•seated row


The above are all examples of supersets I’ve been doing lately.

I could add a kettlebell swing in anywhere additionally.

Supersets are great.

In addition to the cardio and fat burning effect, you get a freakish strength when you’ve reached a high enough level of performance in each exercise during every set.

Thinking low reps is the only way to be/get strong is a farce.

Any rep range will do, and strong at a fast pace means you’re even stronger when you train for it and take long rests.

From general fitness, bodybuilding, and just being freakish standpoint supersets are better than actually taking rests.

Stop the limitations, lose the inhibitions.

Very strong while supersetting is very strong. I’m getting into my Cardio Calisthenics™ territory again while using pf’s equipment in addition.

I’ve seen some very impressive supersets. Mental toughness, your self talk plays in. Go hard. Don’t suck.

Persistence & Tenacity