May 2021 Flow – The Potential To Be Muscular Is In Everyone :

The potential is in everyone to be muscular.

Dude on the elliptical with titties ain’t living up to his potential!

Genetics as an argument, a reason, is a farce.

Good enough genetics are in everyone.

Mommy and daddy made you – the bloodline only a generation back therefore was quality enough to reproduce and create your ass.

Maybe your fat ass needs to get outside, get a physical job, and have gym time.

That’s the adult path for making up for an indoor childhood when the kid who was well muscled early in high school had spent the same preceding YEARS outside doing stuff.

It’s amazing how childhood physical activity leads to your best body parts in adulthood.

Sensei making me do pushups guaranteed I’d have a big chest.

My buddy did a lot of skating – hockey in the winter, roller blading in the summer, he skated year round – big thighs, big glutes.

All the childhood gymnasts tend to be ripped adults.

So all these dudes showing “good genetics” by middle school, high school, and/or college – they already put in the work…they did so before you!

There is no escaping it – you’ve gotta put in the work.

Spending middle school at a playstation 2 was a mistake.

How I ran bases with wreckless abandon during the same was a base – I ended up fast with a good broad jump.

Pushups at 14?
Oh man what a pressing ability I have from that.

I do pushups consistently.

Maybe it’s not the fastest way to strong pressing, but the consistent volume, and the consistency over years does it nonetheless.

With how little many are willing to do in their training I’ve concluded they just don’t like the gym.

When you like it you don’t need ideal.

I train volume cause I enjoy doing so.

Our realities are what we accept as such.

I tell myself “Я машина” – I’m a machine.

I tell myself “У меня лучшая генетика” – I have the best genetics.

Tell yourself powerful, empowering mantras, and hold beliefs in the same.

A relative grew up with a guy who ended up a career navy seal.

The seal would tell him when you think the body has reached it’s limit, the true limit is 100x further, that you can push as far as you think you can.

Dude did morning distance work, afternoon practice, and lifted in the evenings.

The true limit is at least 100x further – I run with this belief in my training.

I don’t have accepted limits.

I enjoy proving people’s limits aimed at me wrong.

I expect high physical performance, to me it’s a given.

Fuck! It’s average to watch four hours of television a day.

Use that average time differently.
Be a different average.

You CAN spend it in the gym instead!

Time is used regardless.

The time goes by however you use it.

Expect more. Do more. Live!

Life is too short to not make the most of it.

Fuck having limits, there’s a whole wide world to explore and greatness to participate in!

Persistence & Tenacity