5/25/21 Gym Dream & Gym :

Gym Dream :

This time it was chin ups, I got into flow state, and did past 50 reps.

Nearing 20 I zoned out of “reality”, and into flow telling myself “effort and ability is all perceived” and instead of failing around 20 kept going with true ability.

I believe it was failing the 78th or 79th rep.

It took me hours to realize that I’d dreamt it.

It felt real. A couple dudes I train with were around witnessing it…in the dream.

I believe in human potential.

I can get to these pullup rep counts.
I’ve done in the 20s, even under fatigue I’m getting baked in in the high teen rep counts.

It’s possible.

Gym :

Was that 8 or 10 reps?

I did db c&p from the hang, Sig Klein challenge is close, very close.

I like from the hang. Very brute force, I get forearm pumps from it.

Most gyms will have at least one 150lb dumbbell, I seated rowed 7×140 each hand.

Chins? Best set was 17 or 18 reps, that was later in the session.

I started the session with weighted chins getting 5 reps at bw+45 on the fourth set of five, going 3,3,3,5,4.

I do mostly back work, db c&p, some overhead squats, and some pushups.

It’s working for me.