5/28/21 – 20 Chins & Rotating Grips :

Today I did 20 chins for the first time (as the sets of 20-22 reps had all been pullups in the last few weeks), on very low calories, after a pretty long day.

I like how my ability is baked in always at 15+ reps.

The other day training in something of a testosterone challenge I told the dude “I don’t care the grip, use whatever – I don’t specify grip from person to person”, and expanded on how I’ll do one grip variation (pullup/chin/neutral grip) until I’m psychologically sick of it, change the grip, and repeat.

Sometimes grip is varied by feel, but usually it’s dictated by psychological desire to drop the movement entirely.

I keep interest by switching grips when this is my state of mind.

A few weeks ago I was exclusively doing pullups.

Right now it’s chin ups.

I’m doing some daily.

At first it was 17 or 18, now it’s 20 chins.

The PRs keep climbing.

I fully expect higher reps to keep coming.

Persistence & Tenacity