8/30/20 – Logically

Me, you, our society as a whole – too negative.

Everyone is operating on negative conditioning.

Negative is the norm, I blame everyone being plugged in, to the point of addiction, to the television, to news broadcasts.

You can choose for the world to be bleak, just as you can choose for the world to be joyous, wonderous.

Get out of your head, get away from flashing screens, and put it all into true perspective…

The birds sing their songs, the cricket chirps, the wind blows, the clouds roll, and tomorrow’s am the sun will rise.

Nature moves on.

What matters is your interior, think on it – the kingdom of God is inside you!

Silly people, fearful of everything the screen tells them to be.

How few truly believe in God.
It’s shameful.

The only thing we truly know to be coming…is our death.

Why be afraid?
It’s our only guarantee.

Instead we, me, you, all, we should be focused on making life, our own life, great.

Fearful every second by trying to extend it all for another second, is the silliest of things.

Attempting to fight a definite, that’s a losing proposition.

Your life is gonna go on for as long as it’s gonna go.

Every close call? Not your time.

By all means, live a healthy lifestyle.

Eat well, exercise – it’s important for quality of life.

But it’s the motivations behind this where you see who someone is.

Are they exercising so that the here and now is more grand, or are they on an elliptical begrudgingly hoping for a few more seconds senile and shitting in bedpans at the end?

So many are hoping for those senile bedpan shitting seconds so badly that they aren’t loving the now, often not noticing it, and by their actions are turning that senile bedpan shitting time into more of a guarantee and it’s prospect closer to fruition.

tick tock tick tock

As a teenager, I looked at the tasteless white water, and thought to myself “even if they’re right, which I don’t believe they are, and the fat is gonna kill me, I’d rather drink the whole milk, without worry, but with enjoyment”.

You can’t just watch television and follow someone else’s dietary guidelines with fingers crossed that you’ll end up a spry senior citizen, still here mentally AND physically*.

That path fails for too many. It’s why we have alzheimers, dementia, and the evermore common cancer.

(*Maybe it is better listed as physically AND mentally. This is arguable either way.)

They were never in the moment. Never saw the now, let alone how it sets up the future.

It’s amazing how such “little” things can play into quality of life.

A smile, trusting your gut instinct on something, a ray of the sun hitting your bare chest, making yourself out of breath with pushups wherever you are, the water flowing by, drinking water at the most right of times, taking a deep breath that proves again that surely you are still alive, that you’re not done yet!

Worry about every little thing is feminizing. Chicken or egg first? Doesn’t matter, quit caring, stop worrying.

Even if you must force it – smile. While you’re at it hit some victory posing. And use your brain.

That’s right now.
You’re here.
Don’t waste it.

And right now, you’re here, living, breathing. That means it’s all good.

Persistence & Tenacity

8/29/20 Flow

The craziest thing about training is that any method, every method, works…as long as you believe it will, and you consistently put in effort.

There’s a point where research only reinforces self doubt, that’s what online forums are you know, and stereotypically known to be worst amongst teenagers at bodybuilding.com.

If you trained meaningfully twice a week, ate big and dirty, within a few years you’d be the biggest and strongest man in whatever gym you’re going to.

Likewise “I’m into bulgarian, and ribbed for squatting everyday…when I have a gym membership” eating fairly dirty yet nutritious, and when without a gym membership just massacring pushups (done 365 regardless) and eating in the same manner has worked well for me.

Yep, any training alongside big eating will get you built. The scrawny are scrawny cause they don’t eat.

It amuses me to no end that unless I’m in very specific locations that I’m the biggest and strongest around…while I don’t lift weights almost at all anymore.

I’m waiting for my cousin and I to push his truck around empty parking lots. That’s fun. And not indoors.

A problem many have is always training inside the bodybuilding box or in the weirdly trendy powerlifting box.

Weights are an individual endeavor, trainers, trainees, lifting partners aside – the gym is solely you on your own path.

Treat it as such.

Inside the box is just limitation.

You’re doing the gym right when people think you’re insane, yet admit you’re flukily strong, and revert to accusations of steroids.

In a study I’ve made up on the spot, peer approved by me, myself, and I, science has proven beyond a doubt that those who accuse others of steroid use to be dweebs with mental weakness and lower testosterone than the men whom stand proudly accused.

Be proudly accused.
You’ve built yourself up this far.

Building yourself up, that’s what the gym is meant to be.

Persistence & Tenacity

Briefly On Gym Clothes

While the gym for many seems to be a fashion contest…


The holes in the armpits of my gym shirts just keep getting bigger.

My gym shoes have holes, rips in them.

Some of the stuff has paint on them.

I’m generally the only one I see dressed like this, and you know what?

I don’t care.
I’m there to workout.

Beat up clothes work great for exercise.
Logically it’s practical.

You demolish your worst condition tshirts by relegating them to yard work and the gym. Why put good clothes through the ringer unless absolutely necessary?

Shoes that are years old you wear til they fall apart at the gym.

Brand names? Nope, more like the $7 walmart special, plain, on its last legs 5+ years of use in.

I’m muscular enough that my build overshadows how I’m dressed. Meaning she’s looking at my traps, not the hole in the side of my shoe.

High Testosterone trains, low t (and estrogen) worries about gym attire.

It cracks me up that only dudes ever trash talk on this note, and very rarely at that. Chicks never care…on me that is.

As far as I can tell I’m the only one to go to the gym without perfect clothing, and often enough they color coordinate.

That includes guys!

I’ll never stop cracking up at the color coordinated chick who I’ve mentally nicknamed “oompah loompah” dressed daily in teletubby colors.

If it was sports bra, yoga pants, and an angry expression.

Be built well enough that your build overshadows your ragged gym clothes!

Persistence & Tenacity

8/27/20 Flow : Esoteric Equipment Free Training

Using dynamic tension, without equipment, you can simulate any movement to stimulate any muscle.

The crazy part is that the contractions I get this way are far more intense than I get with weights.

Simulating lateral raises, for instance, feels nearly as heavy as a 5 rep max. And it’s far more accessible.

I use this the most for 4 way neck, though I’ll train the entire upper body, and sometimes the lower body with the same.

It’s flexing while moving, and it gets you stronger.

As I said I’ll use it for 4 way neck training, which often turns full body by leaning to the side, and sucking in my arms simulating a double leg takedown.

I’ve held side kicks, flexed my glutes in a quarter squat, tried to drive my feet through the floor in the same (this can be done with hands and pushups), triceps flexed, curled to my most intense biceps contractions, activated the shoulder girdle with karate punches and blocks held, lateral and rear delt raises standing vertically, you can think of throwing ala grappling and feel the stretch across your obliques, abdominals, and even chest…even with out an object to hold onto just letting your body act as resistance.

A few hours of research into isometrics, dynamic tension, and everything on the isometric spectrum will pay dividends when you decide or are forced to train without equipment.

So many cry when they lose gym access, some of us thrive.

You find out how important training is to a person when they have to make do with only themselves.

Persistence & Tenacity

Start The Day In Victory Pose

Start The Day In Victory Pose :

In a world where everybody bows down in submission to their master…the smartphone, there’s a better way :

Start the day with victory pose.

End it in the same.

Throughout the day (the bathroom mirror is a perfect place) victory pose, look at yourself with an air of cockiness telling yourself of your greatness, and feel the power boost you receive.

Body language is incredibly important.

Switching body language changes everything, for good or bad.

Those who walk around looking at their feet are defeated, they carry themselves like those who have lost.

Even a raggedy dressed bum standing with chin up, shoulders back, militarily erect, will command respect – for he’s carrying himself as a man.

Stand large, take up more space than less.

Consciously stand feet wide, hands on hips.

Sit sprawled out wide, arms draped over the backrest.

Negate the epidemic of slouched over posture.

Stopping being glued to your phone, as it often makes one look and behave like a scolded monkey, may be required.

It’s simple homework. A few times a day stand in victory pose, while thinking good thoughts.

Reach your hands towards the sky, stand tall, lengthen the spine. Don’t have terrible posture.

Victory pose.

Enjoying the January sun in victory pose, Arizona 2015.

Persistence & Tenacity

8/25/20 Flow : On Sitcoms & “Reality” Television

How boring your life must be if you need to watch others, imaginary others, actors – those whom the ancients despised, go about their made up lives on sitcoms. Moreso when you watch something more than once.

“You get so much from it that you’re sitting there going movie you’ve seen eight times, click, movie you’ve seen eight times that you didn’t like, click.”

What’s called “reality” television strikes me the same way. Your life is that uneventful, sad, and alone that you need to watch others doing what amounts to forced and fake drama?

Generally said by scathing females ; “get a life” is truly apt here.

What’s stopping you from getting a life, from truly living life?

Can you even answer this.

Go and take some action, go out and have some experiences. Just turning off the television turns you into the best story teller around.

You watch television, and 99% of the time, unless you’re real selective, you’re weakening yourself.

A normal american lifetime of television is only going to turn you into something wholly unnatural. No one naturally laughs like the cartoon character peter griffin from that garbage program family guy, tapping feet together in glee in anticipation of more tv. Yet I’ve seen it.

Turn off the tv.
Go live, love life.

Persistence & Tenacity

“Are You Even Trying!” – JROTC Recollections

I remember hating other jrotc cadets for their weakness.

Freshman year I’d went from 212 to 178.

I scored high on the PT test, aceing all the events sans the run, got the PT medal, when at the start of the semester I hadn’t been able to run a mile without passing out.

I pushed to nearly going down each and every PT session, unless the instructor/sergeant commanded me to go sit and hydrate. Otherwise I’d suffer in silence. I was willing to die rather than continue to be fat and out of shape.

↑ That’s how you stop being fat right quick without possibility of failure.

“I would rather die than stay fat and out of shape”.

Only once during drill did he command me to sit and hydrate. I was essentially standing drunk/out on my feet, being that fucked up from fat boy being a man and pushing a true 100% on the preceding mile run (I’d guess 7:57-8:00 all out, the first time I was not over an 8 minute pace.)

I hated being fat, weak, and out of shape, and as a freshman I changed it. It didn’t even take a whole semester. As said earlier I scored damn near perfect on the end of semester PFT, and at that point I wasn’t getting woozy so easily.

Every day I had went there, but as I said suffered in silence. I wasn’t going to be a fat kid much longer.

On the first day of PT they had told us to do as many situps as we could, I walked into class with that mentality, and therefore did situps into the hundreds, I only stopped when the Sergeant commanded me to stop (only stopping me as class was about to end, he’d let me continue otherwise). A bunch of the cadets had created a semi circle around me to watch and cheer the lunatic freshman on. I had made an impression on all, both the instructors and cadets.

Willing to die.

Each and every session I’d build up so much stomach churning lactic acid, and do it again the next day. I didn’t care that my stomach churned half my waking hours, being the worst in 4th period science class where I once dropped backpack on to do 50 pushups to prove a point.

Worth it? Hell yeah! I was committed.

Yet many around me…their PT scores were a failure to start, a failure to end the semester, and the same every PT test throughout highschool.

I remember thinking :

“What! You can’t make any progress? Are you even trying! You’re not! Get the fuck out of the corp.”

“How the fuck has your fat ass walked every second instead of running, how is it that you’ve never done more than 7 pushups!”

I put in effort and therefore made progress.

I did pushups and situps at home. I sprinted a 200 or 300m stretch of my walk home daily. Sometimes that flung my water bottle out of the side pocket of my backpack.

Every PT run I did in the least scientific manner…I sprinted until I couldn’t, and slogged the rest as fast as I could.

I’d run a fast 200m, a good 400m, have the 800m be 2:00-2:15, and then finish the 1600m at 6:15. Gasping. No science. Just effort.

My science teacher was astonished that I put in a mile 4x weekly ever nearing a 6:00 race wholly unpaced.

I did get to the 5:55 area as a sophomore, the same year one of the seniors would every day run a perfectly paced 6:15 mile, and all bets were off as to which one of us would beat the other that day. My time was unpredictable, one day would be 5:55, the next 6:30, every run being in that time range, while he never strayed from pace.

I’d continue running until the fat fucks had finished, and a buddy often joined me on this. Extra PT! Why? Cause it was too easy otherwise.

Each night I sat on an exercise bike til it said 1000 calories burnt, every day, 8-9 months or more without exception, never missing a day until I’d stalled out for 2 or 3 months at 178lbs and stopped requiring it of myself.

This one fat ass mexican cadet who I also had in gym class, the gym teacher (at the time a fresh from college volleyball 24yo blonde, I’m told was a butterface) looked the other way as I kept flat tiring him on my extra laps. Motivation. He actually ran that one time, and one time only. Physically capable, mentally weak. He ran to stop getting his heel kicked. Corporal punishment can work, though to me punishment pushups aren’t punishment.

This psycho short jock dude said he finished a mile when he’d only truly done 3 laps? It was all the instructor could do to keep me from going off on him. I don’t know that I’d have won (both a true mile and the theoretical fight), he was a scrappy muscular middleweight, I had height, reach, and a few softer pounds on him, but on principle I had to be kept from going off anyway. 16yo me saw that shit as a personal insult considering what my true 6:15 was to his “6:13”, something I thought him to be physically capable of.

I hated the slacking all around me, and the officer looking the other way for slackers so as to keep numbers in the corp up.

One time the sergeant pulled me aside and quietly thanked me for not coming to blows with the school linebacker (sophomore year) for his in my face screaming insubordination.

“Sorry, bureaucracy keeps my hands tied. Thank you for keeping your cool, I know you’re in the right, I can’t kick kids out of the corp, the two of you is not a fight I’d want to even have to try separating. I don’t think I could, it’d go until the school cop arrived to assist.”

I was livid, and I don’t think I had kept my cool either We were nose to nose and the reason it hadn’t come to blows was that me and him both sensed the fight would be a pyrrhic victory, probably both in the hospital, and that being the one to start the fight was not going to fly with either of our fathers.

I feel that my 14yo/15yo intensity is how man is supposed to live.

A lesson I’d forgotten : just keep going, regardless of how shitty you feel.

No matter how tough it is in the moment, 10-15 years later it’ll feel like it was only minutes ago.

And the described level of intensity?

It’s innate!

Persistence & Tenacity

8/23/20 Flow : On Gym Progress & Activity Levels

When you need to progress you will.

The people who go to the gym begrudgingly, take no joy in it, and make no progress, I honestly say they’d be better off staying home.

If you don’t enjoy the thing, nor see the purpose behind it strongly enough to at least put in a modicum of effort, you’re just wasting time.

So many aren’t doing enough to even warrant calling it going through the motions.

Somehow our country, one ridden with obesity, it has become trendy to “gym”.

It seems like more than not have gym memberships.

Yet, we’re not able to find healthy robust men and women everywhere we go.


Inactive gym memberships, and those showing up to only use lackluster intensity day after day negating their trips, wasting time, taking up space.

You don’t need to go to the gym, you just need to be as Wim Hof says happy, strong, and healthy.

You could do some calisthenics regularly, cardio outdoors, and never pay a gym a penny and be good.

Swimming at the lake, or a shirtless bike ride in the sun is a better choice than cardio indoors.

You need to lift at the gym? Do so after the activity in the out of doors.

Americans between work and leisure are not physically active enough.

Prior generations would walk regularly. It’s amazing how much this made a difference between my grandfather’s generation and now.

My grandma spoke to me once of an Irishman up the street, carrying home on his right shoulder two 50lb sacks of potatoes stacked one atop the other every Thursday evening on his walk home from the factory for feeding his family of wife and ten kids.

You almost never see anyone carrying groceries on foot anymore. Eating would require far more calorie burning if you had to walk to the store and carry your food home.

The occasional old timer, the homeless, and some hispanic immigrants are the only ones I’ve ever seen do this.

They’re the ones living with activity levels found 50+ years ago.

Sometimes having less requires healthier practices as lacking a horseless carriage can force you to go on foot or get on a bicycle.

I have a feeling somewhere out there a homeless man is capable of competive bicycle racing. Think about it, many of them biking around are lean and wiry and they’re on foot all day often enough. I see them biking 10+ mile stretches, and occasionally one is hauling ass bombing alongside traffic.

I’ve long felt america could be land of the jacked homeless. You’ve got to spend time somehow.

Regardless of your station in life, an hour a day dedicated to pushups, going amrap/density training in that time. After a month it’d be silly how quickly your upper body had muscled up.

That’s training simplified with logistics erased.

If you’re sedentary, unemployed at the video games or employed in a seat – train 2 hours a day! I’d spread it out over more than one session, filled with density calisthenics, and just see how fast you get fit.

Each and every human is meant to be happy, strong, and healthy. And it’s pretty simple to get there.

You can have these three things, so smile, train well, and eat as best as you can.

It’ll be good friend.

Persistence & Tenacity

How To Break The Weighted Pushups World Record For The Most Reps In One Minute With A 100lb Pack

Paddy Doyle did 34 pushups with a 100lb pack in one minute.

Paddy Doyle pictured not doing weighted pushups.

The moment I heard this I thought “easily doable, I could break that record”.

See I was thinking that just off of regular vanilla unweighted pushups I could hit around 10-12 with 2p25 (115lbs) on my back.

I checked to see if I had logged it in my phone, and it was 5 reps at 115, 11 fail 12 with 2p/90lbs.

I’ve done 100+ unweighted that would count on a military PT test in a minute before. So I’ve got a lot of reference frames of achievement here.

Now, all the weighted pushup numbers above involve stacked plates on my upper back.

This requires slow and controlled reps, like it will when I have a petite chick stand on my back for the “girl pushups” video.

The straps of a backpack will allow me to fly through the reps as the weight is secured, strapped to me, and the pack will also more evenly distribute the weight than plates directly over my chest.

How to train for this…

•a backpack
•sand (poured into contractor cleanup bags, duct taped up well, in small 5lb-10lb increments)
•towels, rags, clothes (as filler for inside backpack)

I’m used to flying through certain numbers between 20 and 50 based on the mantras I repeat in my head.

Being I’m so used to pushups up to 50 reps, I don’t see how adding a secured 5lbs-10lbs to my back would even be noticed in effort or by my body. 5-10lbs is not even a large water weight fluctuation.

Do a set of mantra reps, between 20 and 50, flying, but with the pack on.

Keep the space in the pack filled with material of some kind, old torn up towels are perfect, and every so often add another 5 or 10lb homemade sandbag to the thing.

Do it regularly, a set or two a day, by the time I’m at +50lbs for 50 reps, the pace is still at 25-30 seconds in, not the full 60, and I can break a Paddy Doyle world record.

Train further than that and it’ll only be a larger change in the record.

Persistence & Tenacity

8/22/20 Flow – “I Don’t Watch Television”

You turn on the television and you’re letting strangers into your home.

Who’s the man of the house?
The way most houses are run it’s a bickering, cussing woman on some television drama best left off.

Why are you paying money, time, and rapt attention to the bullshit?

You. You’re a slave to it. 1230am, 130am, 230am, it owns your mind.
That’s a problem.

The volume is turned up. It’s yelling at you and you take it.

It keeps you up at night.

It gives you indigestion when you try to eat.

Try to convince me that food goes well with it. Try! You either aren’t able to stomach wholesome food, or you’re eating garbage cause you’re brainless there.

Shit you’d never want in your home, it’s simulated in your home flashing, flashing, flashing.

You want women screaming bloody murder in your home at 1am?
You want gunshots at the same? You want every act of perversion, violence, and evil right then?

Yeah, right, you want to sleep. Right.

You let it in.

You’re an addict.
It’s not relaxing you.

It’s not entertaining you, it’s weakening you.

In fact you’re so entertained that you’re unable to settle on one stream of bullshit! Flick, flick, flick.

It’s not informing you, it’s enslaving your entire life!

You’re fearful cause it tells you to be.

You’ve crushed your own potential, having become stupid and weak by wasting years of your life at it…in your preference of daily religious ritual.

You’re worshipping at the flashes of the blue light. “Atheist”.

Even young at 18, a “normal” american upbringing, years gone. Robbed by being in the nation of tv babies.

There is no thing more abused in out society, than it’s most addictive substance…the television.

Turn it off. Own your mind!

No where to go, I faced away from it. I’d said twenty times that day “I don’t watch television”. I meant it. Every. Single. Time.

I don’t need to watch it.
You! Need. To. Turn. It. Off!

Persistence & Tenacity