8/30/20 – Logically

Me, you, our society as a whole – too negative.

Everyone is operating on negative conditioning.

Negative is the norm, I blame everyone being plugged in, to the point of addiction, to the television, to news broadcasts.

You can choose for the world to be bleak, just as you can choose for the world to be joyous, wonderous.

Get out of your head, get away from flashing screens, and put it all into true perspective…

The birds sing their songs, the cricket chirps, the wind blows, the clouds roll, and tomorrow’s am the sun will rise.

Nature moves on.

What matters is your interior, think on it – the kingdom of God is inside you!

Silly people, fearful of everything the screen tells them to be.

How few truly believe in God.
It’s shameful.

The only thing we truly know to be coming…is our death.

Why be afraid?
It’s our only guarantee.

Instead we, me, you, all, we should be focused on making life, our own life, great.

Fearful every second by trying to extend it all for another second, is the silliest of things.

Attempting to fight a definite, that’s a losing proposition.

Your life is gonna go on for as long as it’s gonna go.

Every close call? Not your time.

By all means, live a healthy lifestyle.

Eat well, exercise – it’s important for quality of life.

But it’s the motivations behind this where you see who someone is.

Are they exercising so that the here and now is more grand, or are they on an elliptical begrudgingly hoping for a few more seconds senile and shitting in bedpans at the end?

So many are hoping for those senile bedpan shitting seconds so badly that they aren’t loving the now, often not noticing it, and by their actions are turning that senile bedpan shitting time into more of a guarantee and it’s prospect closer to fruition.

tick tock tick tock

As a teenager, I looked at the tasteless white water, and thought to myself “even if they’re right, which I don’t believe they are, and the fat is gonna kill me, I’d rather drink the whole milk, without worry, but with enjoyment”.

You can’t just watch television and follow someone else’s dietary guidelines with fingers crossed that you’ll end up a spry senior citizen, still here mentally AND physically*.

That path fails for too many. It’s why we have alzheimers, dementia, and the evermore common cancer.

(*Maybe it is better listed as physically AND mentally. This is arguable either way.)

They were never in the moment. Never saw the now, let alone how it sets up the future.

It’s amazing how such “little” things can play into quality of life.

A smile, trusting your gut instinct on something, a ray of the sun hitting your bare chest, making yourself out of breath with pushups wherever you are, the water flowing by, drinking water at the most right of times, taking a deep breath that proves again that surely you are still alive, that you’re not done yet!

Worry about every little thing is feminizing. Chicken or egg first? Doesn’t matter, quit caring, stop worrying.

Even if you must force it – smile. While you’re at it hit some victory posing. And use your brain.

That’s right now.
You’re here.
Don’t waste it.

And right now, you’re here, living, breathing. That means it’s all good.

Persistence & Tenacity