8/29/20 Flow

The craziest thing about training is that any method, every method, works…as long as you believe it will, and you consistently put in effort.

There’s a point where research only reinforces self doubt, that’s what online forums are you know, and stereotypically known to be worst amongst teenagers at bodybuilding.com.

If you trained meaningfully twice a week, ate big and dirty, within a few years you’d be the biggest and strongest man in whatever gym you’re going to.

Likewise “I’m into bulgarian, and ribbed for squatting everyday…when I have a gym membership” eating fairly dirty yet nutritious, and when without a gym membership just massacring pushups (done 365 regardless) and eating in the same manner has worked well for me.

Yep, any training alongside big eating will get you built. The scrawny are scrawny cause they don’t eat.

It amuses me to no end that unless I’m in very specific locations that I’m the biggest and strongest around…while I don’t lift weights almost at all anymore.

I’m waiting for my cousin and I to push his truck around empty parking lots. That’s fun. And not indoors.

A problem many have is always training inside the bodybuilding box or in the weirdly trendy powerlifting box.

Weights are an individual endeavor, trainers, trainees, lifting partners aside – the gym is solely you on your own path.

Treat it as such.

Inside the box is just limitation.

You’re doing the gym right when people think you’re insane, yet admit you’re flukily strong, and revert to accusations of steroids.

In a study I’ve made up on the spot, peer approved by me, myself, and I, science has proven beyond a doubt that those who accuse others of steroid use to be dweebs with mental weakness and lower testosterone than the men whom stand proudly accused.

Be proudly accused.
You’ve built yourself up this far.

Building yourself up, that’s what the gym is meant to be.

Persistence & Tenacity