Start The Day In Victory Pose

Start The Day In Victory Pose :

In a world where everybody bows down in submission to their master…the smartphone, there’s a better way :

Start the day with victory pose.

End it in the same.

Throughout the day (the bathroom mirror is a perfect place) victory pose, look at yourself with an air of cockiness telling yourself of your greatness, and feel the power boost you receive.

Body language is incredibly important.

Switching body language changes everything, for good or bad.

Those who walk around looking at their feet are defeated, they carry themselves like those who have lost.

Even a raggedy dressed bum standing with chin up, shoulders back, militarily erect, will command respect – for he’s carrying himself as a man.

Stand large, take up more space than less.

Consciously stand feet wide, hands on hips.

Sit sprawled out wide, arms draped over the backrest.

Negate the epidemic of slouched over posture.

Stopping being glued to your phone, as it often makes one look and behave like a scolded monkey, may be required.

It’s simple homework. A few times a day stand in victory pose, while thinking good thoughts.

Reach your hands towards the sky, stand tall, lengthen the spine. Don’t have terrible posture.

Victory pose.

Enjoying the January sun in victory pose, Arizona 2015.

Persistence & Tenacity