Primed For Gains

Often and for no apparent reason certain body parts will seem primed for strength.

When this is the case I like to run with it. Not being able to do so is reason number 1178 that I have against rigid programming.

~315 to 405+ on bench is itching to happen.

Heavy reps have power. Rep PRs are close to being broken, and my close grip has surpassed my wide grip again (just like it has been over the years, I think it’s the jerks this time).

I take the gains I can get. I’m enjoying training upper back and lats (the shelf/base), my pushing muscles are primed for power, and I’ve realized my back squat probably needs a lot of support/build the system work (good mornings, front squats, deadlifts and variations).

So power for upper body, bodybuilding for lower, and some pulling power.

It’s what my body is primed for. I’m going with it.

#trainyourway (an experiment : will hashtags help with views?)
