Not Good At Off Days

Lifting for me is more than a hobby. I love doing it, I view it as fun, and generally want to do more of it.

The best way to get good at something is to do it every day.

After saying fuck programming at 17 I’ve felt that way with lifting.

Low frequency is generally less useful and I always found dedicating a specific day to one bodypart particularly arms and shoulders to be stupid.

My mentality and personality naturally drifted towards full body and high frequency.

You can see it in my doing of PT daily.

You can see it in all the streaks I’ve held hitting the same lift daily for months in a row Bulgarian style.

Shit, I’m better at getting to the gym consistently than in taking days off.
If I don’t make it to the gym, I’ve definitely done PT at home, and more often than not also lifted in the back yard.

I have not wanted to be around people at all lately making finding a gym hour difficult, yet low and behold come late night what looked like an off day has me driving to the gym to do something.

When (rare but occasionally) that I don’t lift full body I feel like I’m cheating and generally end up doing something’s quick to make it full body. Last night I did some broad jumps just because the session had been bench and upper assistance only.

Realize however that I thought I was taking yesterday off.

Really I just don’t take off days well.

I’ll get antsy and go get some more volume in some capacity anyway. Be it gym based, yard lifting, or PT.

It’s why I have good work capacity.

Now the question is am I lifting tonight or what?
