Unknown Strongmen

This is a theory I have based on my observations of labor coworkers and dudes I know that don’t exercise who are far stronger than reason says they should causing me to hold this to be true.

Somewhere out there is a genetic freak who would destroy strongman competitions and powerlifting records who doesn’t compete and probably doesn’t even lift weights in the gym sense.

His feats of strength are simply work related or impromptu performances for friends, family, and coworkers.

He might be working in a Siberian rock quarry not realizing the potential he has to break the atlas stone record.

Maybe he’s working as a construction laborer for pennies in some third world country and impresses the hell out of his coworkers shouldering and getting overhead random shit. A clean and jerk record his, should he ever touch a barbell.

Or maybe he’s just this big, strong, athletic dude that spends his time not doing much of anything, but with a few months training time would have NFL scouts shitting themselves and running each other over to sign him.

The gym isn’t everything, and there’s a lot of missed potential out there both from genetic freaks and more normal people.

Food for thought.
