Ancestral Memory

This idea has been in my mind since 17, ponder and act on this:

Ancestral Memory

Do we recall the experiences of ancestors long gone?

In my blood do I remember the lessons learned by my blood through trial and hardship?

Do the experiences of grandfather many generations ago make it through the ages down to you?

Are there yearnings in your soul that you know an ancestor had experienced?

Is natural propensity towards something nothing more than remembering and putting into action the hard won lessons of your forefathers?

Do you see the unnatural manner in which people in the modern world live, and in your heart travel back and see with your very own eyes…

Looking over the rolling hills morning dew on the ground, chill in the air and spear in hand doing your duty?

Do you see the beauty felt at the joy of life seeing your first born and wife near the fire in your hearth?

How about tasting the warmth of the small serving of winter rations during a particularly hard winter?

When you’re hiking do you go to a different place, a different time and find your step softening and quickening, do you feel the raid about to go down or the chase that is on?

Do you feel axe in hand as you’re swinging a hammer?

There’s wisdom and power in your blood which only requires the need, the conscious effort to access.

All it takes is to wake up to dream the lives of your predecessors.

They have stories to tell, wisdom to dispense. Will you listen?

Do you hear them chanting their words, even be it in other languages, words in which your soul shall understand?

Do you feel the fire of their pride, their sacrifice, their strength, their victories and glory deep inside of your heart,  in the very depths of your soul?

Do you feel the calling! Do you feel the power flowing like a swift river through your veins, the power that is deep like darkest depths of the ocean!

Your forefathers are reaching their hand to you!

Will you take it? Will you reach out your hand and great them in hearty embrace like a long lost friend and accept their alliance?

Feel it coursing through your veins, use the power. It’s there. It’s for you to access.

Revolt against the modern world! Fight for all that is good and natural.

Without that fight you wouldn’t be here. How shall you live? What actions will you take?

Your blood holds memory, lessons, abilities. Use them.
