June 2023 – “Winner’s Workouts” :

I put the weights away thinking to myself “I’m in a state of positivity right now – stay disciplined – never watch porn again – do THIS as often as necessary”.


See. I work a physical job, but that’s not reason to not workout outside of that.

You work the physical job since it’s necessary to have a high level of physicality.

I’d suggest a well monied white collar type landscape the shit out of their yard in their free time for the above reason.

Build yourself a wall, a fence, an outdoor pullup bar, something for that reason.


You workout/train because it’s what you do…

What you do to not waste your lifetime in front of a television.

To not be the one hiding in substances, outside of work, at work…

Because your level of physicality, of physical condition is not acceptable in your own eyes.

That’s the same reason I cold turkey off of television in all it’s forms!

There are things, and I see everyone doing them, that in my own eyes are not acceptable to self.


I wipe dirt off my torso.
It from the handful of burpees tacked onto the second minisession of the day – where I matched deep knee bend reps with one arm swing reps a side with the 20kg bell.

P. Thank you!
The 20kg bell has been coming in clutch.
I’ll have to tell you tomorrow at work – the gift is seeing use in my yard.

Soon I’ll have to get the bell to some park of other, get pullups/dips mixed in with the bell’s ballistics.

Could get some people to train with that way. It’s exposure.

Fat. Days of stubble.
Now, what matters!
Making myself better with the kettlebell and commitment to not making myself have to shave again for porn/masturbation.


This was the first ~”high” rep kettlebell one arm swing session.

I like the movement now.

Sometimes I’ll do it over snatches or cleans.

And pretty soon I expect to purchase another bell size up.

Plus there’s always going the odyssey route, really push reps, volume for fat loss and large veiny forearms with a thick wrist.


The reason for frequent workouts is…
they’re winners workouts!

Persistence & Tenacity