6/14/23 – Old & Crotchety ≠ Good Customer Service

I’m a little caffeine addict when I drink the stuff.

Already having said yes to a shift tomorrow, and knowing that it’s a late start, not feeling that I’ll need to get to bed at a reasonable hour…well I’m a little caffeine addict when I drink the stuff.

An iced coffee after work, then an hour and a half later here I am refilling the cup with milk, instant coffee, and strawberry powder that I blended.

Shoot! I dumped in too much coffee powder.

Hopefully I don’t die tonight, nor more closely to typing, during the burpees soon to commence.


At work the customer was on the phone with the manager/shop as we were on site.

The customer says to me near the end “J, I put in a good word for you and the other helper”.

The driver being old and crotchety isn’t exactly good customer service – it can be cringeworthy on certain jobs with these/some of these knuckleheads.

I’m good at customer service – there must be a way to really make money from that, however – I view it as a golden rule type thing, I as help act like I want help to act.

Polite. Does the work paid for without complaint.

I’m not going to gripe, complain, or flip out at/argue with the customer – I’m going to pack their things, and pack extra additions with “alright, okay, I got you, etc”.

Making money from it, good customer service ; forget the car salesman and waiter/bartender rejections.

There is a way out there for me to make a good living.

Those managers don’t know me, and wouldn’t be the one dude delivering houses with good customer service while the rest of the crew rages about the fact they’re where they’ve put themselves.

Knowing your choices put you exactly where you’re at either breaks you or empowers you.

I see the stubble on my pudgy, nearly double chinned face, so it’s burpees, and recommitting to no porn, no masturbation.

And tonight I’ll bic my scalp, establish the beard line – I find the act of shaving enjoyably meditative.

You simply run the razor over the established line daily from the first time establishing the line til about the month or six week mark.


This is by no means a standard of “not out of shape”, but whatever you weigh, whoever you are – pick any style of burpees – I tend to do “cdc style one pumps”, set a 20:00 timer, and do 100 before the timer dings.

Doing this does not indicate you are in shape.

Far from it, but do this enough, while decreasing the time, and you may end up getting in shape.

I say this ; “fat body don’t do burpees” – quote that to me.

Put this on a tshirt, now is that a ? or a .
I definitely have ideas for gym shirts, could find some way to sell em, tied into here.


Thank you tailgating motorcyclist…
Who flipped me off? It was hard to tell, as I let him by with a smile.

He did some rude hand gesture, but I didn’t see any single finger. It looked a rude backhand.

I let that inspire actually doing a proper amount of burpees tonight.

The 100 took ~18:00. I’ve a ways to go to actually being in shape.

With these, I too did a set of kb snatches each side, and the day’s 100+ deep knee bends.


On another note ; I did not do any pushups before work today. That is rare for me.

And interestingly, before we drove off to our first site (the one of grade a customer service) we hilariously put a vending machine, owned by a coworker, into his pickup truck.

It seems he’s found a place to vend with his, I’m assuming salvaged, vending machine.

How long had he had a vending machine in storage here?


Had an interesting dream last night ;

My childhood best friend wasn’t doing well – deep into conspiracy theories, doing drugs, living in a car, seemed unhealthy.

It’s not an overly strong feeling, but I wondered “is he dead”.

Went on facebook tonight (really shouldn’t), and saw that my highschool best friend had his second child today, both since I’ve lost touch with him.

Lost touch with both of them.

I prayed about it all, me included – to find the woman, the means of money, to make it happen.


A cat ran right in front of my car, STOPPED running right centered in the middle of my car – I’d slowed down from 30ish to 20ish, and honked. THAT got it to continue running.

As much as I laugh about the munchkin jailbird driver refusing to hit squirrels, and the contrast of the crotchety old driver who does not give a fuck, hell at this point in 2017 in a similar situation I bump bumped over a raccoon – that night not slowing down, swerving, or honking…today I slowed down, honked DIDN’T splat some dumb ass collared cat.

But then again, I pointed out a sitting cat to a buddy back in 2016, squared dead center with his car’s grille.

He hadn’t noticed it. He didn’t kill it, and it took a few honks to get it to move.
The cat was chill where be sat…in the middle of the street, content like and all that.

Persistence & Tenacity

P.S. here’s a cool article on physically strong old school college wrestlers – motivates me to do more mace again, and get to a pullup bar and start really getting reps, ping, ping, ping, ping!
