6/16/23 – Warehouse Work & A Moment Swinging In The Rain :

A cool aspect of working at the yard/shop/warehouse is the ability to spend the day shirtless while on the clock.

Two birds with one stone – vitamin d, three really, physical work, money.

Some of the coworkers have latched onto referring to me as a gorilla, making monkey noises, etc – this seems the evolution from the nickname “Skinny J”, though it involves different guys.

A couple days ago a gorilla action figure was held up with the comment “relation?”

my life (and yes I’m aware this isn’t the gorilla bell)

Today one swinging back by to pickup his paycheck, well I heard monkey noises coming from, as he bounced around in the driver’s seat of his jeep.

The gorilla thing would fit better bearded, the growing back of which I’m committed to – no porn, no masturbation – I’ve been laughing at myself for not having taken some shots the past few weeks.

I don’t know if I’m okay with this.
Laughing at myself for not taking shots.
I need to be opening my mouth!


It was cool that I got all that shirtless time at work, as it got overcast by the time I got home with a nice lobster back sunburn.

Hilariously working with my back to the sun the entire time, meaning only sunburnt on my back.

My deep knee bend and kettlebell one arm swing supersets had me be rained on for one mississippi if that.

The sky opened up at a light rain, and stopped just as soon – a split second.

Just enough time,.as the rain hit my shoulders and upper back to think “well I train outside – I’m getting rained on – continue”.

I really like this mental place, where weather is irrelevant to me – where I’m going outside to train today, and it’s there everyday.

What I miss of the gym is the crowd.
Right now I’m lonely training alone, though I do so anyway.


The supersets of dkb and oas makes for two days in a row now of doing just over 200 swings a day.

I could do this level indefinitely, though it definitely affects the heaviness of my legs come the end of the day.

It’s a good volume for leg soreness between work which is walking, carrying, stairs, and some sitting on the truck’s bench seat, then 100 dkbs, now 200 swings too.

Interestingly my chest is muscularly sore.
Maybe the “catch” at the bottom?
Maybe ripping the bell down for the hike?

It surprised me to feel.


And I did the second minisession ; as I had yet to burpee and snatch, so I did…

I’m going to have to get out of the yard to run bleachers, run/walk on the track, and really should go for walks if not fartleks on the streets.

I need more movement, though the kettlebell is a source of wind, and I see it improving my ability to both carry, and to “body” (brute force manpower) and/or manipulate odd items/movements through space.

The kettlebell is helping with work.
I see it lots.

Amazing for grip strength, I expect veiny forearms from getting into, and continuing with one arm swings.

Notably I have more a mental issue pushing reps on the one arm swing than I do on the one arm snatch – they’re very close movement patterns, I’m using the same 20kg bell for both (at present), and yet you can tell the difference in training effect.

I’m discovering to do both.
And mix in other stuff…

I daydream of a solid bench (meaning an actual solid bench – the equipment/furniture itself), an axle bar, and FINALLY putting up a 405+ bench.


Tomorrow 500+ swings on the day, maybe get the bell out to the dip bars, pullup bars, a park or something.

This will tell me I’ve trained based on how 200 rep days feel a couple days in now – I bet I’ll feel solid, well worked, and get a small but noticable tad of fat loss.

Why not dedicate saturday to all day off and on training with minisessions?

It could end up being 1000.


I intend to finish the 100+ dkbs daily thing for this month, but I’m really looking forward to dropping the movement in favor of lunging and the kb swing.

July could end up silly with swings.
I’m excited.


Never do the same exact workout two days in a row.

You can buy the day’s groceries every day, never shopping at the same one twice in a row.

Make the day a little less groundhog day that way.

Persistence & Tenacity