June 2021 Flow – Improvising On The Machines @ Planet Fitness :

My buddy touched base. We hadn’t seen each other in six months, and had barely used the phone in the same.

“What’s up?”
“Gym later.”

We ended up going to the gym together.

When you make planet fitness work you get good at improvising.

One of the ways you gain ability in improvisation is by seeing the ways that others improvise.

Mostly on the machines, however :

Not just on the machines, though я машина.

My buddy came up with a few I’d never thought of, nor seen.

“This looks like a row”, the story of the night.

Glute machine – “this looks like a row”.

Ab machine – “this looks like a row”.

More tricks in the bag, more angles, more growth.

Never view what equipment you have access to as a limitation.

You can go as far as you decide to.

There are people, jacked, with zero equipment.

There are people, jacked, lifting scrap metal.

You can walk the earth and find rocks and other sundry items, both natural and man made, to lift in various ways and get strong.

How bad do you want it?
Most don’t!

I do!
Heart is what carries you.

Heart leads to consistency.
Consistency with effort guarantees results.

I’ll always be big and strong.

I actually wonder how light I could even be starved down to.

What is bodyweight is bone rack status on me?

I don’t picture myself ever getting below 185. 165 would be freaky.

I’ve trained so much that my body would still hold onto much muscle.

The body doesn’t just go catabolic.
It’s a whole lot more resilient than what most “science” says.

Mindset overrides every study.

Some study doesn’t know how you react to certain macros, foods, training stimuli – you define that.

You can always train harder and longer.

The fact that full blown addicts don’t just drop dead, that they don’t just die on the spot, prove that the human body can take essentially infinite punishment, abuse, and still keep going.

You can always train harder and longer.

The studies that define limitations make you weak if bought into.

Believing in growth and human ability makes you grow, capable, and actively doing so.

Buy into prosperous beliefs.

I’ve been jacked with zero equipment, full body strong on pushups alone!

It’s my truth. Has been for years.
So at any gym I feel like a kid in a candy store – look at all the joyous options!

Persistence & Tenacity