Running Sprints Out Back :

From The Archives :
6/23/19 ~12pm

One of the things I dislike about gyms is that they’re indoors.

It’s summertime. I want to get my pump on, which requires being inside, but there’s a strong urge to be outside and physical.

The pump urge was covered with about 400 reps back, 400 reps shoulders, and 100 reps hammer curls.

However my legs feel fresh, they’re usually shot to a degree from work and gym volume, it’s a day off, and I’d been waiting for this…

Safe assumption, it’ll be frowned upon for me to be shirtless, running 40s indoors, so I step outside.

Round back is an abandoned parking lot. It’s not very well maintained, but I find a suitable strip of pavement.

Ahh, sprints after a layoff.

Shirt? Off.

Shoes? Beat up.

Elation from sprinting (slowly I might add)? Priceless.

Never only be physical inside a gym.

(Adding walking lunges in the same spot is a solid idea.)

Psychologically I’m far better when I’m shirtless in the sun moving around or am working a labor job.

The gym will never scratch a man’s urge for pure physicality.

Persistence & Tenacity