Gut It Out : Puking From Training

Yesterday I cleaned up to 275, then about an hour of talking later hit 255 x 5 unable to work back up to 275 in that doble session.

(It’s noteworthy that the cleaning at the gym was done 3-5 hours after a heavy uneven ground flip flop wearing heavy deadlift session which may have contained a 405 rep PR as a backoff set.)

Today it was 5×2 @ 255 then 225×10+1J

(Oddly both days I intended to bench, yet did nothing but cleans.)

I felt off slightly from that 10rm.

I think to myself “okay, I’ll head into the locker room and hauck a lugie/loogie (spelling), that usually makes me feel better”.

So I go to the bathroom and do just that. Spit in the sink, rinse it down, and wait 30 seconds. “Ok, I’m good.”

I start to walk away, and IT HITS.

A hard pivot back to… “where!” …the trashcan.


“That was surprisingly little. Why is it off white?”

“Oh God!”


“Huh, still white. What did I eat today?”

(Homemade quesadilla. Thorough examination reveals that I was seeing tortilla bits in a lovely cheese, thoroughly masticated tortilla, and Pepsi sauce, the combination of ingredients making an off white.)

Tie up the bag, walk to the desk with the trashcan.

“Do me a favor and reline this”

I take the bag and walk round to the dumpster. Unlike so many, I clean up my own messes.

Damn, I haven’t puked from exercise since a massive sprint and middle distance repeat day during junior year wrestling season. It’s been ~7 ½ years.

(That day it was raisins and peanuts from trail mix nicely flavoring the snow. I’d ran outside to spew. )

I think I know why people like Ken Leistner are stronger than everyone.

He kept well placed puke buckets around his gym.

Pushing to that point is a different level of intensity.

Most of us rarely if ever go that far.

Honestly for a few hours after I felt feverish.

(Pushing to temporarily feeling feverish from training : another post in itself that I’ve been meaning to right.)

Hey, it felt shitty. I won’t lie, but I did take a longstanding 7-8rm to a 10rm and threw in the jerk on the last for good measure.

(Video place holder for 7-8rm)

Hell, I even got in a solid session in about 10, maybe 15 minutes of gym floor time.

The Entire Session:

5×2@255 (jerk last rep at weight)
10×225 (jerk last rep at weight)

Puke 2x, take out the trash, and then hang out sipping a bottle of water while possibly overhearing the voice of some knuckle head trash talking.

As odd as this may sound I needed that. I had to relearn a lesson in intensity.

Density train heavy olys, then rep em out a bit lighter to finish.

I hadn’t pushed that far in ~7½ years.

Olys for high reps have value, and can be a style of heavy loaded cardio.

Puking may just be an indicator that you took it to the limit on a big compound movement.

(I’m not advocating for or against, draw your own conclusions.)

