Doble Training

I picked this concept up years ago reading about the training of a Canadian weightlifter:

Doble (Double) Training: To hit the same lift as both the first and last movement of the session with everything else in between.

Personally I’ll do this with squats from time to time. It’s a great way to essentially pull a 2 a day, but without making the second trip to the gym.

It would be silly to do this with some small bullshit, but any big compound will do. Nah, scratch that if you want to do this with an isolation have at it. Training is an individual endeavour after all. Train your way.

Give it a shot. Your mind will deceive you as to your abilities at first. Quickly however you’ll find you can be just as strong with such little recovery.

Frequency by any means. Frequency does work. Most just won’t try it out.
