Girevoy Sport Style Weightlifting With A Barbell

From the archive :
March 2019

If I could go back in time and modify my lineage some I’d learn to train from a drunken mechanic of an uncle who’d been quite the kettlebell lifter in the Матушка Россия, but in Америка did not have kettlebells, but a nephew willing to train that had a 300lb weight set.

Ahh, I can see Uncle Vladdy now…
(Of course I can, he’s a figment of my imagination.)

Moving on.

One of the coolest things I did training wise was high rep barbell jerks.

For whatever reason I wanted to jerk 20×225. I didn’t get to it before OCD switching training, but getting it up to +/- 18 reps did give some serious overall carryover.

(I’m able to use high rep jerk as an indicator for high rep bench.)

The olympic lifts needn’t be complicated.

The kettlebell isn’t the only implement that can be used for high reps.

I say apply the philosophy of Girevoy sport/kettlebell to barbells.

Firstly this makes the movements far more accessible. It’s much more common to have enough barbell access than ample kettlebell access, is far more economical this way.

Secondly the high reps of this style allow any given weight to be stretched further.

For Example :
•Are you hang cleaning the 300lb set for reps?
•Did you jerk 50×225?

It’s simple really, a poor man’s, less specialized version of weightlifting.
I’m fairly certain Dragon Door/Pavel/StrongFirst uses this as a sell for kettlebells, I say apply it to barbells which is more honest.

You have presses, jerks, snatches, and cleans.

You can power clean from the floor once for a press or jerk set, or you can clean and press/clean and jerk each rep, the first clean from the floor, overhead, then from the hang, overhead.

(Doing both movements is how long cycle is contested.)

Cleans and snatches are done hang power style (dead hang or with the stretch reflex) after the first rep from the floor in power style.

(You could do some one arm stuff, but that makes it more old time strongman while still kettlebell influenced.)

No rack is necessary, but squats are still on the table.

Clean into front squats, snatch into overheads, jerk or snatch and drop the bar for back squats.

Are you paying attention? I’m teaching you how to be a beast with only a barbell weight set.

I know Hackenschmidt did this type of thing. He’s known to have done some high rep jerks.

Super athletes pic
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It’s not the implement it’s the effort. You don’t instantaneously become a witch, wizard, or warlock with magical powers the second you get a kettlebell in hand (though that’s how it’s marketed). The effects come from sweat and callous equity. Instead of with a kettlebell use the premise as a barbell system.

Alternate Titles :

Girevoy/Kettlebell Philosophy Is Superior To Powerlifting & Weightlifting

Weightlifting For Everyman : How To Implement The Superior Philosophy Of Girevoy/Kettlebell Sport Unto Barbells

Girevoy Sport With A Barbell

Who Says Ketlebells Are The Only Implement To Do High Rep Olys With

Long Cycle…With A Barbell, No Overpriced Kettlebell Necessary