Dumbbell Girevoy

I like the premise of girevoy sport, kettlebell competition.

However since I’m not Russian, and therefore kettlebells are not as common a fixture as assholes on the body amongst the populace I say use dumbbells instead.

You’re free to use the “wrong” implement for the right movements.

Do dumbbell weightlifting, dumbbell “olys”, for super duper high reps.

Dumbbell brute force wrapped up in a nice package with “conditioned strength”.

Floor to overhead, one dumbbell, two dumbbell, any variation you desire.

Clean, snatch, curl, press, swing.

Mix and match.

Floor to overhead.

Can be done anywhere. At any gym. Commercial or otherwise.
I do this at planet fitness.

Course Title : Training My Way 101

Persistence & Tenacity