April 2021 Flow – A Fat Body Using His Fat As Fuel By Hours Of Physical Activity :

Fat fuckers, on a lifetime of fat fucker food, have huge calorie reserves from huge calorie consumption.

That’s what the spare tire, the keg over abs is – stored energy. A lot of it.

I say use it!

I expect a fat body going bonkers for a few hours a day in the weight room would build a ridiculous amount of muscle rather quickly, quite fast.

Fat boy shouldn’t cut calories, he should keep them at 5000, but train past his calorie consumption, do that much work, and run on his fat reserves.

I see this being a way for fat boy to only lose fat, the calories are high for anabolism, the activity is high for fat loss.

Endomorphs, fat bodies, sumo builds, have huge muscle building potential, and may or may not have significant strength already.

What’s missing is the physicality.

The potential for building muscle is just comical for a 2021 fat body vs his bone rack forefathers only a few generations back.

Have their past activity levels with present calorie consumption.

High activity.
High calorie.

He could recomp to the tune of a couple pounds a week. Muscle on. Fat off.

If he puts in the time.

Endomorphs carry so much more shear mass than mesomorphs.

Linemen are scary muscular when they shed the fat.

The largest of muscular builds.