April 2021 Flow – Becoming A Mesomorph :

8 sets of pushups at the gym.
2 while reading.
2 late night.

12 sets on the day, about 300 pushups, just a few over.

That’s in addition to volume gym lifting.

I can tell you how prisoners get muscular.

It ain’t supplements.
It ain’t drugs.
It ain’t diet.

It’s simply doing volume, building muscle because at some point enough work forces muscle growth irregardless of all other circumstances, and once you’ve muscled up enough your body type becomes mesomorphic.

Training will turn you into a mesomorph.

It’s a positive feedback loop.
As you build muscle you’ll build more muscle.

It gets EASIER as you do so. Period.

I don’t know what I started as, probably endomorph.

I then cardioed myself skinny fat.

Force feeding got me to endo-meso, and as I continue to age and lift (both factor in) the switch to mesomorph comes more and more.

Train for a decade, you’ll make some serious changes, then never stop.

Everyone can, but not necessarily will, become a mesomorph.

Somatotype changes given the requisite stimulus.