April 2021 Flow – The Empty Bar Program :

With an empty barbell you can do a lot.

The simplest program is :

•Overhead Squats AMRAP

That covers the entire body well enough.

I’ll pause throughout the squatting, doing the thing somewhat breathing squat style. Don’t underestimate this, give it a try.

Overhead squats have crazy all around carryover.

The multiple exercise, simple, full body program is :

•Curl or Reverse Curl AMRAP
•Press or BTN Press AMRAP
•Overhead Squats AMRAP

4th (optional) •SLDL

Obviously this is all done standing.
You could change the exercise order, but I suggest the order as listed above, because pumped biceps groove the press, and overhead squats stretch the shoulders.

For rep speed I’d curl normally, same with the btn press should you choose that option.

Reverse curls rest pause, never setting the bar down.

Do the press like a timed test, trying to get as many as possible, as quickly as possible, trying not to pause for as many reps as possible.

As written above treat the overhead squats somewhat like breathing squats. As many as possible, then multiple deep breathes, and repeat a few times.

Should you choose to sldl additionally I’d suggest treating it as a tonic, done slow, euphoric, with if possible touch the toes with the bar range of motion, only a few reps, just as a feel good movement.