2/1/23 Journaling – Seriously You Watched Porn Again Dude…Yet Still A Good Day – It’s In Approaching The World With Confidence & A Smile :

•12oz milk


before bed I edged for about an hour and fifteen minutes to porn, so again – why are you watching, and too I will be clean shaven the day after tomorrow

stop watching dude

obviously my phone came into the bedroom whereas you can’t watch porn if the phone isn’t near you


Breakfast :
•cheese stick

a cheese stick is the breakfast of champions – it’s steady dairy energy of saturated fat and casein protein, it’s light, and is not a massive hit of caffeine, etc

even with pushups already checked off in the wee hours after midnight, I did a set to keep “pushups done immediately before work” as habit


Work :

assembling furniture, cleaning storage, cleaning warehouse of junk – at warehouse, easy.

quite fun throwing shit into the dumpster from standing in pickup truck bed – like tossing hay bales, but heavier.


Groceries :

I accidentally overpaid for ground beef having not read the packaging closely enough, bought a couple gallons of milk, a half gallon of coffee milk, some noodles to go with the beef, and oddly thought chef boyardee sounded good, so bought two cans – those two cans are a salty, bland, lunch that I simply wanted – and am again surprised that people like salty, bland, soggy noodle tomato soup lol – this is possibly only the third time in my life having chef boyardee, it’s been about 4½ years since I had a few cans on a similar whim.

Lunch :

•two cans chef boyardee (~750 calories)
•half gallon coffee milk

1500 calories right here, like nothing, ~100g protein


Lunch in, then lift. I think I’ll shovel a walking path so as to farmer walk after some other kettlebell lifts.

The groceries were not lined up with “fat loss”, but with “you even bought soda – you’d better workout enough to at least pretend to have halfway earned it”.

To the crew at work I’m now “Skinny J” (though I didn’t hear it today).

The manager had a funny conversation with me, basically admitting I’m the largest mover she’s ever seen that :

•isn’t just a big fat guy
•is actually muscular while large
•actually hacks it while high in bodyweight
•doesn’t need to stop and rest constantly as a big dude

I’m useful as a mover, just 50-100lbs heavier than most.

The size/strength is useful with big shit like pianos, while running box after box up flights of my stairs is my wheezing nemesis – however I’ve embraced it as I know it to be good for me since it does kinda suck, and is building my wind.

However days like today, tossing shit into the dumpster like hay bales is incredibly fun – I can’t pretend that I even call this sort of thing hard.

Yeah, high 20°s outside, but physical in that fresh air is my forte.

I’ve been working in skull cap, gloves, long sleeve shirt, and shorts – everyone thinks I’m nuts for that.

The next job is on a day that’s gonna be around 0°. The whole crew of six is being sent so as to minimize time spent in the elements for the three who’d have done it alone otherwise .

I’ll actually be wearing pants, and have my hoodie with me. :)-


8675309 – tommy tutone

↑ it’s in my head, and personally I say it’d sound even better in a hilarious british accent

runaround sue – dion

with how I feel right now, if I was still working in the kitchen I’d be blasting 50s music off my phone right now – dinner rush starting soonish

because I’m having a blast with it
with what?
“it” ie everything, life in general right now – I’m in a good mood


didn’t shovel a farmer’s walk path, or use street/sidewalk

Lift :

Mismatch Sig Klein Attempts
11 reps kb right
7 reps kb left
4 reps kb left

yep, the c&p every rep style is a little easier with the kettlebell in the right hand, the first set opposite is also an attempt, then extra sets are so as to match reps

if all you ever did was meaningfully weighted high rep clean and press you’ll be awesome – strong and conditioned

it’s a simple program

KB Cleans
10r, 10l

definitely builds bigger biceps, especially as stimulus grows

Off Center F Sq

still not really able to hold rack on the front squats, mostly use two hands – this improves as time goes on

the kettlebell is building a conditioned, and very strong gas tank

how I feel my intercostals right now

like with “Cardio Calisthenics™”, or barbell high reps done in a condensed period of time – by having a meaningful strength/power aspect streamline blended in with the conditioning work the two together are worth more than the sum of their parts

I’m loving this kettlebell. Loving the fact every session is different, loving the PR every session (by never running the exact same session twice), just feeling good knowing I’m doing with this bell what I need to be for strength, conditioning, and most importantly health.

The kettlebell bypasses any excuse I’d come up with about doing cardio/conditioning.


I confidently say :

If all I do is kettlebell work I will get to where I need to be physically.

It’s an amazing tool, which has already and immediately blended together with my mental buy in – the key to everything in life.


•½bag frosted animal cookies
•24oz milk


Shower Thoughts :

For the kettlebell front squats I need to get my elbow closer to my side, get really tight here – flex everything inward that I can, and as much as possible have the bell be integrated with my hand and forearm, the hand/wrist as much as possible.

Pulling inward. And stacking.

I want my elbow as inward as the founder had wanted my elbows to be as during amateur sumo.

Flex/Pull Inward. Stack Bell.
I practiced this freehand in the shower, “getting it” better this way than with the bell in hand.

This and “outback remix” popped into mind as well during the shower.

boondocks – demun jones


For a few days/weeks now my upper back has been getting so tight at night so as that I feel sick.

You know what this is…


Extreme Growth

And I’ll continue delivering houses and cleaning my kettlebell and clean & pressing the mismatched pair.

This is GOOD




I’ll be shaving for porn the day after tomorrow (again – in the past week), so “last hurrah” style and to say I last watched something other than porn it’s some of what I consider guilty pleasure youtube – which falls under the “do I have to shave” television type grey area, a bit of women’s weightlifting and women’s crossfit, then stopping watching stuff again.

One of the medleys, part of it is simply jumping/climbing over a 50″ high log – this is doing conditioning on one obstacle – I know a local playground where I could do similar.

It’s been a long while since doing something like this, but there’s a spot probably 10′ high to climb, and one probably 4′ high to climb/jump/vault – vault that’s the word, both at this playground.

Be an adult using a playground, often no one is there anyway.

Use it for fitness, it’s free.

Got some good screenshots out of watching all this, and found watching rather meditative – including watching oly in slow-mo where I did get some lesson in technique.

an example – she was always smiling which was cute as hell and SAVED this lift, very impressively fought through it


Amazing how some upbeat music puts a smile on my your face, has you seeing a future with hope, and dancing around late night in the kitchen…

I felt that I was dancing with my grandpa, nana, and the unrevealed mother of my children.


The presence real to me, the moment joyous, honest, childlike, uninhibited.

I read an an email he sent to me almost 17 years ago – hearing him from beyond the grave.



these were done with interesting pauses, varied negative speed, fast up with inhaling, on one rep inhaling down and up – playing with the variables


Persistence & Tenacity