1/31/23 Journaling –

Breakfast :
•cheese stick
5, 5


Work :

4½h, mostly unloading boxes to the garage or first floor.

However it’s a hassle loading/unloading empty crates by hand.

It’d almost be better to open the crates at the shop, and deliver a normal truck.

May be a little more time consuming, an extra step of in/out, but at the same time empty crate in/out by manpower is dumb.

You can only physically fit three crates in a truck, whereas a full truck is the contents of probably six crates.

The coworkers have started alternating between slim and skinny, it evolving to “Skinny J” as nickname for me.


At work whilst carrying a box into the basement I realized this “the chins could be not just kettlebell related, but also mover related”, the only things that pump up on the job are my biceps and quads.

ie I’m built for power curls :)-

I recall how my first summer delivering houses my grip got to where I could hang for :45-:75 one handed holding a 70lb kb in the other for a few sets each side.


Lift :

KB Cleans
7l, 7r

The one arm clean is worth more than it’s marked weight.

I LIKE how this movement feels, I don’t know if double bell would feel entirely the same – it would for the fact the clean feels like you’re manhandling the bell to your shoulder, but the one arm aspect makes the core WORK – I can see lots of one bell cleans really building a rugged body, rugged abs, rugged biceps, plus strong shoulders and triceps by pressing it overhead.

This very brief session was so as to be sure I lifted the kettlebell today.

I want daily lifts for an indeterminate amount of time.


•½ salami sandwich
•12oz cranberry juice
•8oz milk
•scoop BANANA whey (shaken not stirred)


Long Nap


•5oz ground beef
•1½ potatoes as home fries
•24oz cranberry juice

I’m purposefully eating more frequent, it’s a good idea to speed my metabolism up – 285+ and barely eating (or at least my idea of it), it’s time for frequent food, and these ingredients, beef, potatoes, cranberry juice – I could very likely eat for every meal with satisfaction.


I realized in “aha moment” that work food could be no carb, solely by bringing meat in a bag, cheese in a bag, instead of putting the same on bread.


As written above it’s now “Skinny J” at work.

I waste lots of time reading about bulking online, an unnecessary past time really.

Now I’ve some interesting thoughts on bulking :

Dirty bulking puts on far more muscle than eating less has ever.

I’m getting close to joining the local powerlifting gym so as to partial front squat and push a prowler.

I like the physicality of working as a mover, it’s actually fun to have to manhandle the crates (meant to be done via forklift) around.

Pushing, pulling, and even lifting – from box to box by manpower is interesting.

It’s not liveable hours.

I like lifting weights.
I’m nearly 300lbs. It wouldn’t be hard to get there.


The strength comes quickly, it’s the logistics of force feeding that kinda make it “not gonna happen” with all but part time work – which is what I’m doing.

I’d have to join a gym again it would seem, or is yard barbell enough there?

The conditioning is simple. Just do it.
Density shouldering everything, rebuild the sandbag for that, loads and carries, call my cousin up and push his truck around empty parking lots, sprint some.

I like the idea of farmers walking 50yds, setting the implements down, jogging down and back, then walking the 50yds again, just do this for time.

You know I meant to talk about dirty bulking.

Okay. Look at the obese, the real obese, the seriously obese 700lbs laying on the couch obese.

Anyone massively heavy, that can walk, is going to have some serious leg strength just by having basic locomotion.

A dirty bulk, holding the bodyweight for a couple years, then taking the fat off slowly is going to put on more muscle than the same five years spent worrying about maintaining visible abs and therefore never gaining a total of over 10lbs.




•two cheese sticks
•24oz milk

dairy is godsend for high calories, it’s easy as there’s no prep involved, a gallon jug of milk and some cheese wrapped in plastic (cheese sticks or slices of american cheese), and you’re set – dairy is more ready to eat than meat more often than not, you have to cook most meat, whereas salami is expensive, cheap hotdogs gross, and cans, well cans kinda bypasses that need to cook argument


An Idea :

On most days off of work, you lift 3x a day, and to start you walk a half mile with one of those lifts.

The next week it’s two walks, and three lifts.

Week three it’s three of each.

Week four you add distance to one of those walks.

Each week you add distance til it’s three lifts daily and a three mile walk with each.

This means you have an hour of activity thrice daily, and you’re working a physical job the other days.

Working as a mover has always been good for me in the aspect of the physical job makes me want to be physical as much as possible outside of work too.


I think I’ll add some heavier snatch grip deadlifts into this kettlebell period.

Also either/or the sldl, with either grip, for reps, but moreso the light density deadlifts against the clock were worthwhile, and need to be readded alongside the kettlebell.

Light deadlifts against the clock occasionally mixed with daily kettlebell lifts – a good combination.

I can tell the kettlebell and mismatch presses with the kettlebell and dumbbell is going to carryover to the barbell press.

The snatch grip deadlift is to keep the barbell in my hands whilst continuing to build horsepower (think mack truck in mack truck vs lamborghini here).


Looking at my lifting history it’s been phases of me just absolutely crushing volume on one particular lift.

I recall summer 2019’s dip odyssey, and smile about how well 300+ dips a day worked for me.

I recall summer 2021 being similar, doing pullups, often weighted, daily.

Both these periods got me VERY STRONG with a “program” many would scoff at.

It’s all about doing what is fun for you, and causes the buy in. Then you smash the thing passionately, and get results.

I’m feeling this right now with my kettlebell, though the volume is yet to be high.

Do I want to invest in more kettlebells?
Buy a titan 100, rogue 124, 150, 176, and get brutally strong on one arm clean and press – and yes, I see the 176lb bell as a plausible press in not a long length of time.

Then you buy the 203lber, clean & press THAT, and you’re truly the physically strongest man you’ll ever meet.



it’s real easy to rack up pushup volume with sets throughout the day


35, 25


Persistence & Tenacity