1/30/22 Journaling (& Flow)

Flow – I Should Be In Bed, But Instead My Stomach Turns From The Whey :

What am I serious about?

I wrote yesterday of how I watched porn, something I’ve said “I’m done with” going into the eighth year of saying it.

So again I ask, what am I serious about.

The truth of the matter is, you get what you want, always.

You want youtube fame and fortune?
You’d do what it takes to get it if you truly did.

I can honestly say in this moment it’s “10×10 or better on see saw press” – I have lifting, at least I have lifting.

I don’t doubt sets of 30+ on both see saw and two hands mismatched.

145.4lbs just isn’t that much, though by being bells, and mismatched at that – it’s worth more than the sum of the poundage.

I had this vision of running shirtless around the city this summer, visible abs, a big beard, still around 220.

It’d be a step to just mix a stroll in-between sets of lifting.

With the fresh beard, shaving tomorrow – starting new cause of that porn shit yesterday, I’m going to shape it well as it grows.

Taper from chin to ear early, establish the neck line somewhere between day 3 and day 21, the taper letting the cheek line set better, and my face looking better all the while both from the beard and dropping fat weight.

A set of mismatch press, a brief lift before work is easily implemented, worth doing.

You’re in fucking training bro. There can’t be television, porn, bad food choices – all the bullshit – you need to be better for your soul.

It’s not 2019 when the world was the normal you knew.

You’re not getting a do over of 2020’s lockdown – ya could’ve smashed workouts and dieted during that – didn’t, hey you still got the stories of riding the bike around, bombing down that good hill, that’s how you have to look at the past – the value of it’s stories.

People love my stories.

That redhead chick, us sitting in her car in the highschool parking lot, me stressed out of my mind – first wrestling season, waiting for someone else who was riding with us as well, me telling her some shit that had happened the night before, and her telling me “you’re a storyteller”.

Me initially thinking it was an insult, that she thought I was lying about the stupid shit we’d had happen in practice cause of the special case anger management took special ed classes lightweight wrestler.

There was a practice where a senior violently crossfaced me (striking from rear mount), my nose opened up, and I held my shirt to my nose…

The freshman had their science fair in the gymnasium below.

Two chicks who knew me started to say hi as I walked to the locker room, then saw the look on my bloody face, my shirt drenched like an axe murderer – I was already thought nuts for going hard in JROTC PT, while THIS clinched the reputation.

“He left practice COVERED in blood.”

And here I am writing high school stories, I was 15 in that one.

I do not like how it seems that my life stopped in late 2021.

Yeah, I got restaurant stories, but fuck it – that place was miserable, the kitchen the definition of hostile work environment.

“J, can I get cheese on this salad?”
It’s her personal.
“Yo, M. I know you’re new. I’m going to show you what spec is.”
I scoop the cheese, doubling it. It’s still a piddly amount.
“Seriously J can I have some cheese on my salad.”
“Yeah, I’m about to give you a good handful – wanted you as a new girl to see what spec was, which I doubled, which still looks small to all but B. Ask B – he’ll tell you that was spec, then double spec.”
She’s just laughing at the absurdity of how chinsy the food sold was, as I handed her a big handful making it reasonable, but easily 8x the spec amount of cheese.

B had been working in the restaurant roughly my lifetime, and he would’ve adamantly told her that it was spec, then double spec, then that I had gave her FAR TOO MUCH cheese – “you’re only supposed to see it – not taste it” – B – an exact quote

Don’t get me started on those who worked fry side.

They’d be stoned, raging, slamming the baskets, soybean oil flying every which a way, getting burnt, raging harder, repeating the process for their 30 hours a week.

Place was mental.

I’m, overall, happy to be gone, but the problem is – I severely overestimated the available hours at the moving company.

Not that moving helper is a career.
It’s not.
I need to do something that is mentally acceptable and enough money to not only live on single, but enough to raise a family with.



WEIRD DREAMS – I wish I’d written them all down immediately!


Breakfast :

10, 10 (pushups)
•cheese stick

Work :

Have you ever heard the term “farmer’s blow”?

I hadn’t til this morning. The other crew’s customer the other day had called and complained about it.

The manager’s son with the help of urban dictionary found it to mean closing a nostril with a finger and shooting snot.

The complaint email and message were read and played for both crews.

Work today was pretty easy, a 4 hour minimum mostly just wheeling stuff down a long hall.

Earlier in the elevator I’d gotten a laugh out of the brothers, as the younger had wanted me to step on the shop scale weeks back “you’re a big dude, must be 280”.

But today’s job was a medical office.

The older brother yells to me “J get on here”, and I see he’s wheeled the office’s scale to the truck.

I stepped on scale, 286.5lbs, which the coworkers thought that crazy.

Of the six of us, at least four of us, maybe five did a quick weigh in.

The old guy refused the scale, no weigh in for him, and back at the shop unloading the stuff into storage…well I may now have the nickname “slim”.

The old guy said it once, then two or three started laughing “that works for him”.
We’ll see if it holds.

Then a few of us unloaded boxed unassembled ikea type furniture out of a freight 18 wheeler delivery, where I found that a 102lb box with a width nearly that of my wingspan is a deliciously awkward thing to carry.

I want a box like that to carry around the yard for training!

Also, shoulder carries are fun. When something is long, even if it has weight, as long as you can lever it to your shoulder it’s easy as pie to carry on flat ground.


Ease Of Work Note :

When :
Where :
parking lot
What :
backwards farmers walks with the mismatch bells – backwards walking is ridiculously awkward – I should do it on my own time as well


Upon Getting Home
•scoop chocolate whey (shaken not stirred)
•8oz milk


Checked on the bathroom scale at home having first drank the whey, then taken a piss – this time stripped to boxers and socks…


Within a ½lb of what the medical scale had said.

Went to the doorway chin bar – banged out 7 chin ups.

I think it’s the kettlebell clean that brought that up from 4-5 reps. I’ll see how chins/pullups do without training and the kettlebell is aiming towards much “what the hell” effects.

Again, I’ve a 185lb press rep out test scheduled for the 2/26.


•12oz milk

then sipped a

•20oz cherry pepsi

as unnecessary preworkout while reading


Knowing I weigh 287lbs, of course I’m going to press!

It bothers me how little I eat whilst weighting this much!

First we lift.

Lift :

Mismatch Press
13, 8, 8, 3
Off Center F Sq
3r, 3l
5r, 5l
Soviet Wrestler Sq ss/w Soviet Wrestler SLDL – standing on cinder blocks

this exercise needs more height – still like it though


Read/write a bunch, not stressing “postworkout window”


2nd Lift :

Sig Klein Attempt
10 reps kb left
5 reps kb right
5 reps kb right

Next time make the attempt kb right, I’ve more leeway cleaning the kettlebell with my right hand, various positions than just between the legs.

Then put the bells away without setting them down first – that’s a great way to train the hands, first c&p, then carry, then set then down.


Then we eat (steak and home fries, while cooking ground beef and home fries)

Meat and potatoes – will I drop weight?

I hope so, I want visible abs, but as long as my chins/pullups continue to increase, and I run a good 6:00 mile this summer – fuck the look, it’s about performance. The look follows anyway.

•12oz steak
•1½ potatoes as home fries
•four sticks cookie dough twix
•16oz milk


It’d behoove me to walk a bunch outside of work, and probably get a gym membership just to go to immediately after work.

Still do all the yard lifting as well.


The funny thing is in all this that upon seeing 286.5 in the scale at work this morning my though was “it’d be so easy to be a 308lber”.

1. meat, milk, deserts 4x daily
2. a bit of tasty frozen foods
3. gym membership for front squat partials
4. possible unemployment


I realize there could be correlation between the chins and two implement c&p – I might’ve experienced that before.


•some fried food (small amount)
•½ salami sandwich
•12oz cranberry juice
•12oz milk


10, 15, 10

•8oz cranberry juice

Persistence & Tenacity