Your Best Body Parts, Muscle Insertions, Natural Strong Mind-Muscle Connections, & The Pump :

What are naturally your best bodyparts are the ones you have the best mind-muscle connection with from the beginning.

My chest has developed well, was large when I was skinny, and I always felt it getting worked well.

A guy I know with serious forearm and bicep development said it was the same way for him with his respectively best developed muscles.

A buddy of mine who bodybuilds, as a beginner he felt his biceps, lats, quads, and glutes.
They all grew quickly for him.

It’s likely this way for everybody.

Better development comes from better mind-muscle connection.

Though the mind-muscle connection comes more easily on the muscles which have the advantageous insertions, it’s not just advantageous insertions.

Good Insertions & A Powerful Mind-Muscle Connection

It’s a symbiotic relationship.

The great thing is that you can continually improve the mind-muscle connection.

Doing so in many cases ends up building your strength better than if you just did movements where you go a to b without feeling the muscle work.

I’ve found that letting my lats and biceps work, to feel the mind-muscle connection, and to get the squeeze is more advantageous to me than just doing pullups.

Back machines, and curls in my case are functional training.

They improve my pullup ability while giving me a euphoric pump.

Whatever movement gets you a pump is functional to you.

Not to mention the psychological benefits of a euphoric pump.

Even a strength specialized low rep lifting powerlifter makes better progress when getting a pump.

The pump can and sometimes does come with low rep stimuli.

Though for most, and most reliably, it comes with lighter weight, squeezing the contractions as hard as possible, and lowering the weight slowly.

Whatever your goal – with weights you want to be getting a pump.

Persistence & Tenacity