Leisure Time, “No Time To Workout”, & A Reframe :

Many have two things in their life :

•they have a job.
•they have the television/social media.

Everyone says you need leisure time.

So many say they don’t have time to workout.

Combine them.

I’ve had zero television time for about four months now. This is not bragging, it’s just what I’m doing, I’ve went a calendar year before.

I don’t watch anything, in fact the flash of the screens catching my eye at the gym is something I dislike.

My main version of leisure time is being at the gym or more accurately in training.

It can be and is done everywhere.
I’ve been committed to pushups for years – you. can. not. stop me from doing them.

I do my pushups regardless.

Frankly the gym is a stressful “leisure” for all those not doing much but wasting away at tv time on a treadmill.

“My training ain’t tv time on a treadmill” – me

The way I do it is pullups, burpees, db see-saw press, pushups, dips, hip thrusts, curls, overhead squats.

like a see saw

It’s not movement (barely) on a machine in front of a screen.

Calisthenics with a little bit of the supplementary use of equipment.

I perceive training as my leisure time.

That’s how I step away from the world, and destress, set my mind right.

As dictator of earth everyone will be doing burpees.

Not only will there be effectively zero unhealthy and sick, it is utopia created – Heaven on earth.

True physicality with honest effort puts your state of mind in Heaven.

Burpees are the simplest way I’ve found to go there.

Man, a number was done on many – convincing them they’re doing something of use jogging indoors in front of the television when there’s burpees to be done, weights to lift, mountains to hike, fresh air to be breathed, a world to see.

You have how much tv time?
And you’re still watching commercials – hit the deck then at the very least – off the couch!